Recent content by 4jess7lov

  1. 4

    Question abt marks

    I'm only thinking about a job afterwards or a business internship during they see only 4 credits or can they somehow see that i was so so so so close to distinctions (74%) in my subjects???
  2. 4

    Question abt marks

    BTW i go to SYDNEY UNI. do we use GPA or WAM and how does that affect it?
  3. 4

    Question abt marks

    Hey all, i found out my results today and in all my subjects i got high credits (marketing 74 world politics 73 accounting 74 etc etc). So my question is kinda hard to explain um does the fact that i got all high credits just below distinction mean that like for my official wam or gpa it will...
  4. 4

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    hey all, I do art language and philosophy and world pol at sydney uni wen will i get my marks?!?!?! theres nuthin in student resoucres it says grade not available!?! :(
  5. 4

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    i'm expecting: 2 distinctions 1 credit and one borderline credit/pass really don't know yet.
  6. 4

    QUESTION TO ALL 2nd Year and above uni students

    so you get 5/10 and 7.5/15 just for turning up? and for the record i talk in 2 of my subjects. the other two i hate and hate the tutors so i am just very quiet
  7. 4

    QUESTION TO ALL 2nd Year and above uni students

    im refering to arts...not engeneering Uncle but thanx...anyone else? im srsly rly scared i want to do well but my tutor even told me i dont say anything ever..not one word :S does anyone know their past tutorial particiaption marks and what they did? or what they have heard about the topic...
  8. 4

    QUESTION TO ALL 2nd Year and above uni students

    I have a question about tutorial marks. Is it true that you get rly rly bad marks if you dont talk at all and they realise you dont talk much at all. What has your past experience been? Did u get like 2/10 for not talking at all or do they just give you say 5/10 cause u turned up. I'm...
  9. 4

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    i still hav no friends at uni. i talk to heaps of ppl in lectures and tutes but i dont hang with them at breaks we all just leave life sucks :(
  10. 4


    i really hate ignorance. law firms do not at all care about work experience like mcdonalds or subway and of that nature. they care about firstly grades and what uni you went to and if you have any LEGAL based law experience like summer clerkships. having experience at a cafe and places like that...
  11. 4

    1st year USYD law camp

    bump de bump
  12. 4

    1st year USYD law camp

  13. 4

    1st year USYD law camp

    i think you hav to be 18 to attend?? anyone know? anyone hav a link to a site saying anything about age requieremnets i couldnt find anything. im not 18 yet and really want to go! :(: ( i will be so sad if i cant :(:(
  14. 4

    ranking scaling all that bs

    Re: too late to improve for assessments ? if ur school is 125th the chance of u getting 98 plus is very very slim!!!!!! i would say maybe 3 or 4 ppl would get above 98 in ur year? how many last yeh if you rnt top 4 overall in your year obviously no 98 for you its a simple...
  15. 4

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    sumione told me it was at manning...are you sure its at hermanns? and its at 5 isnt it?