brent012's latest activity

  • brent012
    brent012 commented on C_master's profile post.
    @its_ace21 not sure sorry, the vendor is still running public beta tests but doesn't provide timelines otherwise.
  • brent012
    brent012 reacted to liamkk112's post in the thread Insertion vs Selection Sort with Like Like.
    yes it’s not exactly a bubble, however from memory i believe some resources used a bubble sort to add a new element to the sorted...
  • brent012
    brent012 replied to the thread Insertion vs Selection Sort.
    My understanding was that it does not bubble up when moving the min/max, but instead shifts all elements to make room. But online there...
  • brent012
    brent012 replied to the thread Insertion vs Selection Sort.
    The selection sort grows a sorted portion of the array by finding the next smallest/largest element and swapping it with the first/last...