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Recent content by strawberrye

  1. strawberrye

    How to excel in senior year studies (yr 11/12)-99+ ATAR graduate

    You are in luck since I rarely frequent these forums. I haven't done IPT so don't have subject specific advice for you, but couple of things: 1.Don't panick - it makes you more stressed and doesn't help you absorb content faster (unless you work better under stress) 2.Think about what...
  2. strawberrye

    Advice from a graduated HSC VA student on how to ace your BOWs:)

    Hi there, I think perhaps it is better to aim for a high mark then try to get into Art Express because the selection process is not very transparent and it depends on the themes each year. I totally understand where you are coming from, my teacher pushed me to do mixed media even though that...
  3. strawberrye

    How to excel in senior year studies (yr 11/12)-99+ ATAR graduate

    Although a year later (as I don't wander around these forums very frequently anymore), very grateful to know that this thread has helped you in some way. Seven years out of high school and reflecting back on how intensely I studied in high school and the advice I have given in this thread, and...
  4. strawberrye

    Does the uni matter

    Agree with what RivalryofTroll has said above. I too also currently work as a junior lawyer in a mid tier firm. I think I do see a disproportionate amount of people in clerk and grad cohort from certain universities, namely UNSW, USYD, UTS, Macquarie, ANU. Having said that, I am not sure whether...
  5. strawberrye


    Hi there, It seems you have done a bit of research into both universities' programs. Although I have not studied engineering, I have studied in UNSW and all I can say is that connections to engineering companies should play a minor role in your decision making. For example, at UNSW, you are...
  6. strawberrye

    is law at unsw good

    I am doing my law degree at UNSW and am finishing this year. I will answer your questions in a combined answer. I have really enjoyed studying law at UNSW, the classroom discussions arising from small class structures really helps me to engage with the content and learn to articulate myself more...
  7. strawberrye

    Attention law students

    1. why did you choose law? I initially chose law because I was interested in social justice, never studied it in high school, always liked English and felt it was a good area to explore. Around 2 years into my 5 year combined law degree, I began to be very interested in thinking about the law...
  8. strawberrye

    The Harsh Truths of the HSC

    Unspoken danger of burning out at the most crucial time of the HSC-either before trials, during trials or before or during HSC. It is so important to manage your psychological and physical health throughout the year so that all your effort won't be wasted in the most crucial part of the...
  9. strawberrye

    Planning study

    I think how to create an optimal study timetable depends on a lot of personal factors, such as when is your attention span best at, concentration span etc (which in turn determines both when you start studying and how long do you study at one time), but I think you should always...
  10. strawberrye

    Need Some Advice on Failure

    Firstly, I commend on you on your open-mindedness and willingness to listen to other people's views. There are not a lot of parents that I know who would do it so humbly and honestly as you have. I think that it is understandable that as a parent, you want your kids to walk on the right path...
  11. strawberrye

    hsc marker for english advanced

    I think the easiest way is to ask a English teacher whether they know another English teacher who is a HSC marker and does tutoring
  12. strawberrye

    Including English in every ATAR is unfair to students with other strengths

    I think we are debating about the wrong thing. I think what we should be focusing on instead is making what we learn in English to be more useful in real life (instead of encouraging students to rote learn to get good marks) and ensuring that uni actually have other ways to weigh entrance...
  13. strawberrye

    How early should i be studying for the HSC? Can be too early?

    Although I applaud your study ethic, I hope you remember that HSC is a marathon and you should be taking some time out for yourself to do things you enjoy. I crammed myself in a room and lost almost all of my social life in Year 12 to get a good ATAR and even before that to prepare myself for...
  14. strawberrye

    Bad English teacher

    Don't be so scared of the new syllabus-its just new content you have to learn, and regardless of what the syllabus actually is, good writing standards don't change, how you judge whether a story is good or not won't change either, even if the topic of whatever you are writing changes. Don't...
  15. strawberrye

    Can i bounce back?

    http://community.boredofstudies.org/128/preliminary-hsc/317056/how-excel-senior-year-studies-yr-11-12-99-atar-graduate.html-feel free to check out my study guide for some study tips and motivational stories too-I think you will find it helpful :)