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Search results

  1. ur_inner_child

    Project That Can Change The World **Imagine Cup**

    Hey uni kids, It's been ages since I posted, but I came back to make sure uni students don't miss out on this - Imagine Cup. I'm working at an agency on behalf of Microsoft that will give cash grants, mentorships and other ginormous prizes for ONLY uni students that compete in the contest...
  2. ur_inner_child

    Fuck You Society!!! I Win This Round!

    I met someone on Saturday. Who was everything I want in looks and personality. My type, materialised. We hooked up and long story short, today is the 3rd day, he hadn't called me yet. He's meant to call me by 3 days, and I aaaaaaached. Against all the He's Just Not That Into You and other...
  3. ur_inner_child

    He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

    Thoughts? The book, not the movie. I understand the criticism others have of this book. But they fail to understand how it balances out the world when you think of how many girls do not value themselves and stay in terrible relationships. One of my friends' boyfriend was very...
  4. ur_inner_child

    Would You Have A Relationship With Someone That Left Their Partner To Be With You?

    I know there are variables, depends on the situation, but generally speaking, would you? There is no back story and I'm not in a similar situation... I just wanna know numbers.
  5. ur_inner_child

    Wrongfully Convicted at 13 for Murder, Is Freed At Age 30

    Convicted as a teen, US man freed after 16 years in prison I don't know much about what happens to wrongfully convicted prisoners. What do wrongfully convicted people get when they are freed? What sort of compensation? Teach me. Educate me. This guy essentially lost the best parts of...
  6. ur_inner_child

    Music Graduate offering Piano Lessons/HSC Music 1 & 2 Tutoring (Inner West)

    Hello!! My name is Stephanie and I absolutely love teaching music! Get taught by the boredofstudies moderator of the HSC Music forum! I live in the lovely suburb of Glebe, but I am also very fond and familiar with Balmain, Birchgrove, Rozelle, Newtown and Sydney CBD area. I am a happy and...
  7. ur_inner_child

    Not Being Able To Feel Butterflies.

    So I don't expect anyone to give me solid replies as most of you are probably 4 years younger than me and are still within experiencing their first "real" relationships or whatever... But has anyone else felt what I've felt where... after a long relationship (5 years)... you don't feel...
  8. ur_inner_child

    Resignation from NCAP

    Hey NCAP buffs, My resignation from this particular forum has been long overdue. I think most of my disinterest was from petty arguments reforming over and over... particularly to do with religion and all that. I think my efforts ever really lasted about a year, keeping spam and...
  9. ur_inner_child

    Direct Factory Outlets and How It Works...

    I found a beautiful blue dress by WISH today at Homebush's DFO... But they were all 12, 14, or size 16. I asked for a size 6 or 8 and they said its all they had (much like the rest of that DFO) What are the chances of me finding that same blue dress in my size in a non-DFO store? Do the...
  10. ur_inner_child

    Just Got Out of a Long Relationship & Now I Have Questions

    Okay be serious, as I feel a little bit out of the loop with the dating shit compared to everyone else. Last time I was single I was 16. Seriously. Kissing a new person recently is like the weirdest sensation. So I just wanna ask... 1. What exactly is so frightening about being in a...
  11. ur_inner_child

    ITT post common traits of your lovers/ex lovers/crushes

    Go go gadget ponder! All my lovers/ex lovers/crushes were: 1. Irish descent 2. Played football 3. Played guitar at the time we met 4. Lived and breathed music 5. Taller 6. Older
  12. ur_inner_child

    Anyone Else Finding A Lot Of People Breaking Up Recently?

    Might have something to do with winter ending (winter solstice), moon waning and the spring slowly creeping in? Even some married couples I know have broken up these last two/three weeks. Just long, stable relationships breaking up etc. Even Facebook tells me tis the season. Do you think...
  13. ur_inner_child

    Contraceptive Pill Disrupts Ability to Find Genetically Compatible Partners

    Source I call bullshit, since every contraceptive pill is different, but I guess it can make sense. However I've been on the pill for 6 years, and have always had a lust/love for fit and healthy Europeans (particularly of eastern european or Irish descent), which is very distant from my...
  14. ur_inner_child

    Why Do People Use GPA's?

    In the course I am thinking about doing overseas possibly it says "Applicants must have a Bachelor of Music degree with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 (on a 4-point scale)" Where HD = 4, D = 3, C = 2, P = 1 Why is a GPA an internationally accurate representation of how I go at uni? I have a few 84's...
  15. ur_inner_child

    NCAP Subforum Change - Proposal

    Hello lovely politically charged comrades. As you know, some folk here can't get their shit together when it comes to making new threads in this forum. Pretty understandable when I put their mate's suicide coverage in "Light and Offbeat", sitting next to another article that says "Wife stabs...
  16. ur_inner_child

    Breakouts After Big (Alcoholic) Nights

    Uhhhmmm.... So 90% of the time, I have youthful acne-free skin thanks to a good diet, water, regular cleansing and moisturising etc. But whenever I have a huge night (in moderation) which involves alcohol, or staying up stupidly late and what would be constant snacking or a result of a drunken...
  17. ur_inner_child

    Music In Languages You Don't Understand But Love

    Name them. I just discovered Epik High. They're Korean hiphop... laugh all you want but these guys are okay! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NldYPtU6ek&NR=1 (even though 1/4 of it is english) I always thought that asian languages would sound better at rapping - since they're more...
  18. ur_inner_child

    Boots in the Rain

    I stacked it bad style tonight in my new sexy boots they look good keep you warm they're everything I need. And there are even some small indentations at the sole of the shoe for grip, because I did think to myself when buying them "will they be slippery in the rain?" And it wasn't...
  19. ur_inner_child

    Are You Currently Your Natural Hair Colour?

    I was really puzzled when a group of guys at uni admitted that they all regularly dye their hair. They don't compulsively change the colour, but have a constant shade that they're not born with. Anyway, polls are pretty fun. How long since you had your natural colour? How often do you dye...
  20. ur_inner_child

    Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

    Don't know them? They're the same guys who did "Crazy" (ie Danger Mouse & Cee-Lo Green) Their album "The Odd Couple" just got released for digital download, and I've got to say, I love it to bits. Their first single is "Run" which has a cameo of Justin Timberlake who, despite my unashamed...