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  1. U

    Atar Estimate please??

    English Standard - Rank 1/55 - Trial mark=88% - Overall Mark ~93% Maths Ext1 - Rank 2/19 - Trial mark=89% - Overall Mark ~91% Maths Ext2 - Rank 2/9 - Trial mark= 61% - Overall ~71% ... Screwed up trials badly!!:eek: Chemistry - Rank 1/26 - Trial Mark = 94% - Overall ~89% Physics - Rank 1/15 -...
  2. U

    Projectile question - Fitzpatrick question!!

    Q17 p124 : A stone is thrown so that it will hit a bird at the top of a pole. However, at the instant the stone is thrown, the bird flies away in a horizontal straight line at a speed of 10m/s. The stone reaches a max height that is twice the height of the pole and on its descent it touches the...