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  1. Orwell

    Question About Which Path To Take

    Alright, I should start by saying that my goal is to do combined laws at USYD. I just received confirmation that my application for Macquarie's GLEP (Global Leadership Entry Program) has been successful and I have secured myself a position at Macquarie for combined laws in 2018. Despite this, I...
  2. Orwell

    The Subjective Nature of English

    English is subjective - it has to be. Problem I have is that the teacher that checks my work and validates it, doesn't always end up marking it. I can't list on my fingers how many times I've had my work checked by my Adv teacher only to get fucked by the marker.
  3. Orwell

    Berlin Christmas Market Attacks

    I can't even vent my anger anymore as it's just gotten to a point where it's unbelievable that this shit still occurs. How the fuck can we be so brainwashed to believe this push for Islamic immigration is benefiting anyone?
  4. Orwell

    The use of statistics in legal essays.

    Hey, yesterday I sat my legal essay and I worked really hard on it having constantly sent it to both legal teachers. However, I realise I only mentioned one statistic in the entire essay and some only used one as well, while others where using 5-8. I used three booklets, while others in my class...
  5. Orwell

    Could someone check my legal essay?

    Yeah, would really appreciate if someone could look over it and make suggestions. If you are willing, I could PM it to you. I have to sit this tomorrow, thanks in advance!
  6. Orwell

    AOS Assignment - Discovery Presentation

    Hey guys, I've been assigned my first english advanced assignment and it's one where I have to analyse similarities and differences between Frank Hurley: The Man Who Made History and another related text. It's like a speech coupled with any choice of presentation, but I want mine to be unique...
  7. Orwell

    AOS Related Texts for Frank Hurley documentary?

    Yeah, self-explanatory, any ideas? Additionally, any comprehensive list of discovery related texts?
  8. Orwell

    Hypothetical Atar Estimate

    Hey guys, I just got my prelims back and I was hoping to get an idea of how my ATAR would look if I faired this way in my actual HSC. SOR 1: 12/129 82% English Advanced: 2/78 84% English Extension 1: 1/8 88% English Extension 2: 1/2 (This is just an assumption) Business Studies: 6/82 85%...
  9. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    I want to enter the law field (I understand there's a lot of monetary incentive but I'm genuinely passionate to practice law), but there's a real threat that there's no jobs for lawyers. I know I'm not entering law for money but I mean... $$$. I just want to live comfortably and I thought...
  10. Orwell

    The Liberation of Mosul Persists

    Iraqi army troops have stormed into a Christian region that has been under Islamic State control since 2014 as part of US-backed operations to clear the entrances to Mosul, the militants' last major city stronghold in Iraq. If the liberation of Mosul proves successful, this will be the...
  11. Orwell

    Flying the ISIS flag is legal, Sweden Declares

    How fucking retarded. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/sweden-isis-islamic-state-daesh-flag-legal-illegal-facebook-laholm-a7363211.html
  12. Orwell

    Can I get a good ATAR without maths?

    I was wondering whether not doing maths was going to make it especially hard for me to receive a good ATAR. The way I see it, I'd do so bad in maths that it wouldn't even be counted towards my ATAR.
  13. Orwell

    English Extension 2

    Hey, just made this thread to get an idea who's going to be undertaking the English Extension 2 course in 2017.
  14. Orwell

    Considering Dropping Mathematics

    Hey, pretty self-explanatory. I'm considering dropping mathematics as I don't like the subject and feel that by doing it I'll be taking time away from my other subjects. It's not that I'm bad at math, I'm at the top of my class but in order for me to maintain good grades in math it takes A...
  15. Orwell

    Dresden Bombings

    ''Germany is on high alert after two bombs were detonated in the eastern city of Dresden last night. Police have for long warned that neo-Nazis in Germany have been forming themselves into well armed paramilitary cells; the fear now is that this may be the precursor of more right wing terror to...
  16. Orwell

    Techniques in this passage.

    ‘’O curse of marriage, That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapor of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the thing I love’’ Help please, thanks <3
  17. Orwell

    What technique's are in this?

    ''At that time, and at that time in every way, I would have needed encouragement. I was, after all, weighed down by your mere physical presence. I remember, for instance, how we often undressed in the same bathing hut. There was I, skinny, weakly, slight; you strong, tall, broad. Even inside the...
  18. Orwell

    Could someone read my work.

    Could someone private message me or comment as to whether they'd want to give me advice?
  19. Orwell

    North Korea Declares War On The US

    http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/28/north-korea-united-states-relations/87659264/ http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2016/0729/North-Korea-The-United-States-has-made-a-declaration-of-war
  20. Orwell

    Related Texts

    Hey guys need some idea for related texts. Some information, it's for an assignment centred around the concept of 'Nature of Evil'. I have to incorporate the novel 'Heart of Darkness', the movie 'Apocalypse Now' and one other text to form a Tedx video about the concept. I'm having trouble...