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Search results

  1. S

    Tax File Number?

    How do I go arranging HECS if I didn't include my TFN in my enrollment form? I've only got two days to enroll at uni, and I'd heard that it about a month or so for you TFN to come through.
  2. S


    I'm not deadset about repeating, but I just want to know if I can redo my HSC one term in.
  3. S

    Account for trends

    Will they ever ask you in the HSC to account or give reasons for economic trends? It seems like a fair game, but I have yet to see a question like that.
  4. S

    Migrant Hostel too hard?

    Just a thing I noticed- how come in the ESL students, study Immigrants at Central Station, 1951- instead of migrant hostel. I don't think "hostel" is harder than any of his other poems, actually it is probably the easiest out of the bunch. Just a thought.
  5. S

    can i change subjects if i tell them on the first day

    can i change subjects if i tell them on the first day? I think I've changed my mind I want to do economics instead of chemistry... I know that the board of studies manages our subjects now, and our subject choices are supposed to be set in stone :cry:
  6. S

    Sources in Essay(other than WW1)

    I've been reading the "writing modern history essays" thread, and someone said that you need to "use sources to support what I'm saying". I asked my teacher about it and he said that it wasn't neccesary- and I checked the exemplar essays and none of them have "sources" in them. (except...
  7. S

    The outsider

    Hi, I am year 11 and looking for related texts on the 'genre' of the outsider. Any suggestions? My set text is the stranger by albert camus.
  8. S

    inner journeys (help)

    hi, I got a in class essay about inner journeys in english. The question is: How does your core text explore the concept of inner journeys? Just wondering, would it be okay to include the "journey" of the responder- ie how the text challenges the responder and makes them change their values...
  9. S

    Random question

    If a^2b^3=1323 and a and b are integers, find the values of a and b. The answers are a=7 and b=3. Is there anyway to solve this question without 'guessing and checking'?
  10. S

    log question

    1. express 12110 to base 8. 2. express 1011012 in base 4
  11. S

    quadratic equation

    consider the quadratic equation: ax^2+px+aq+q=0 where a does not equal zero& p and q are constants. It is known that one of the roots of the quadratic equation is always 1 regardless of the value of a. Prove that p+q=0
  12. S

    Quadratic inequations

    hi, can you help me out with these questions 1. if k does not equal 0, solve the quadratic inequation for x(if x is all real) kx^2+kx+2k<0 2. If a does not equal 1, solve the quadratic inequation for x(if x is all real) 2(x^2+1)>4x-a^2 Thanks
  13. S

    Subject Selection advice

    Hi, I have already chosen my subjects for next year; they are 2 unit English 3 Unit math Chem Phys Modern Eco So, I got back my results for my maths test the other day and i was like:eek: I ended up coming about 130/150 in my whole grade. Well, actually, its not like I am actually...
  14. S

    Sir John Kerr's role in the dismissal

    Anyone have notes on Kerr's role in the dismissal of the whitlam government?
  15. S

    Australian History and Geography tested together?

    why is history and geography, two different subjects tested together in the SC yet reported separately? I think its kinda dumb because I ending up spending a lot longer on one paper(history) than the other(geography), and plus they are different subjects requiring different skills. Is there some...
  16. S

    Can a monic polynomial be negative?

  17. S

    How performance of "school" affects ur marks

    How does the performance of the people in your school doing the same unit as you matter in relation to calculation of the scaled HSC mark- the mark which contributes to your UAI (NOT ALIGNED MARKS), either than determining your school rank/moderated assessment mark. And if so, how much will it...
  18. S

    The UAC guide- query

    http://www.uac.edu.au/pubs/pdf/2007_table_A3.pdf are the scaled marks shown in the table the 'final" marks that will contribute to making ur UAI or have those marks yet gone through a process that idk about. (such as moderatiing/aligning)
  19. S

    Is History Extension Capped?

    According to this guide the maximum scaled mark ypu can get for history extension is 49.95 http://www.uac.edu.au/pubs/pdf/2007_table_A3.pdf Strange because both modern and ancient history isnt capped as such, yet extension is capped. Does anyone know why it is capped?
  20. S

    Maths Question Help(polynomials)

    Hi, I got a question on polynomials for homework, and i dont know how to do it. It goes: Use the Remainder Theorem to find the remainder when x^4+3x^2-4x-1 is divided by x^2-3. Hmm, I only learnt how to use the remainder theorem with linear polynomials (x-a) so...:confused: Edit: I...