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  1. C

    Transfering and units.. ?

    So im transfering from a BA after a year into BA with Education (Humanities and Social Science). I did the necessary english and History and Ancient units.. so when I go through the enrolment process tomorrow.. how do I go about it? Do i choose 2nd year arts units? Someone mentioned...
  2. C

    Transfers and enrolment..Help? :(

    Hey Kids, I was just wondering.. I put in a transfer for 2010 and I got it. Its within the same university.. do I still need to go to enrolment? I think I would obviously still need to attend.. but do I go through everything, all the generics .. as I did in my first year? I mean do I take...
  3. C

    Dropping PSYC 2 for history?> (HELP)

    Psyc was my worst subject, I only got a 64. :) The lectures and tuts are also on horrible times, and usually the only one I ahve on a whole day Is a psyc subject; id rather use that day to work. Im thinking going for 20th c. politics and culture or.. World politics.. So.. 1) Ive heard the...
  4. C

    HSTY1034 or HSTY1044?

    Im torn between the two. Both seem really interesting and also the assignment and examinations are pretty much the same. I was wondering if anyone could offer me any suggestions? I know that there is a thread dedicated to subject criticism, but I was wondering specifically between these two...
  5. C


    How is this degree.. I hear the arts faculty in general is not up to a great standard.. is it worth persuing at UNSW?
  6. C


    The UAI cut-off for B a/ed went up this year, and I only managed to get into the BA. Now im wondering, do I attend USYD, do the BA and try to get into education... how do I even do it.. and should I.. When i made the cut-off for UNSW b a/ed? I heard the Arts faculty at UNSW is not at...
  7. C

    I still have no idea what to do with ym life...

    :D seriously, I have changed my preferances 43742387 times. Im a humanities person, and im thinking about just doing Arts. atleast for a year?Why does this bother my parents so much? To them, Arts is the devil...
  8. C

    "The HSC is not the end of the world..."sureee

    They tell you that. They say, "there are so many, other, alternative paths toward your study", but you try telling that to my parents. I was wondering, since nobody gets a hold of your UAI but you, if its devistatingly low, would you lie to everybody?
  9. C

    So history extension exam is here...

    Well, im here listening to Stephan Moccio instead of studying some good ol' JKF. Just would like to wish everybody luck. =)
  10. C

    No matter how screwed you think you are, Im worse.

    Nothing is sticking in my head. And.. I have a historian in the family and one Archaeologist. So, if I do crap tomorrow, my family will dissown me. Litterally. So, dont worry. Someone out there is more f*&^%$# then you. Most probably, that person is me...
  11. C

    other people making me feel guity.

    I hate guilt. I hate it when, just when I think im gonna go ok.. studying for the last couple of weeks, some w***er shares how hes been doing 6 hour tutuoring for the last month. "Ohh ive only made 4373246237 pages of notes" Get stuffed.
  12. C

    Sexual frustration beteen Kane and Leland. -Helpskies.

    Leland so has a crush on Kane. Seriously though. Anyway, listen .. For year 12, im doing a critical study of Orson Well’s Citizen Kane. I really enjoyed the film. For an assignment i have to bassically argue why this film should remain as a critical study, againts the notion that it 'is not...
  13. C

    Imaginative journey: Art [Help]

    So basically i have decided to go with: -Jim Henson's The story teller (Fear not) [visual text] - Like Water for Chocolate [Book] ..and would really like to analyse a peice of art, prefferably an oil painting. Im guessing surrealist peices are good.. but im not to knowledgeable in this areas...