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Search results

  1. braindrainedAsh

    Chronicles of Narnia

    I read all of these books when I was a kid, did anyone else love them? The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe was my favourite in the series, I hope the movie doesn't massacre the books. Except I only just found out they apparently have Christian overtones... I never knew because I have never...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Hong Kong

    I have to stop over at Hong Kong on my way to London. I get there at 6.30am on the 3rd of Jan, and I leave at 1am on the 4th. What should I do in my few short hours in Hong Kong? Anyone got any suggestions for the time and budget strapped traveller that wants to get a taste of this city...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Nelson bags surfing lessons

    From the SMH (really AAP, but yeah): School surfing classes 'a disgrace': Nelson September 7, 2005 - 8:14PM Page Tools Email to a friend Printer format Surfing ... the minister has some concerns about the value of surfing as a Higher School Certificate course. Surfboard riding was...
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Little Fish

    Anyone else seen the new Aussie film Little Fish with Cate Blanchett? I had free tix to a preview on Wednesday. I thought it was quite good. I enjoyed it a lot more than Somersault, I think it had more of a compelling narrative. Some really good cinematography. Many stars in the cast...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Is ipod the best? Plus ipod and sound recording?

    OK. I want an ipod, and I am currently deciding if the reason why I want an ipod is because of Apple's brilliant marketing campign or the fact that they are really good. I stupidly last year rushed out and bought a Phillips 1GB MP3 player just a month before the prices of ipods etc dropped...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Another lame-ass idea by Nelson

    So Nelson wants everyone (especially those darn muslims) to learn about Simpson and his donkey? What drugs is Nelson smoking.... has he come up with any ideas that have been informed and/or rational and/or worth spending government money and time on in the past few months. There are also a...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Should I do law now?

    Right... I am now more than halfway through my journalism degree and I love it and I want to be a journalist, at least as one of my proper jobs I will have in my lifetime and I am trying to build up my portfolio to have a decent shot at a graduate job in the media. But I have this unsatiated...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Postmodern education vs the good old three Rs

    There currently has been such a big debate about the best way to teach kids to read (Nelson advocates phonics) and also about the postmodern focus in high school English syllabuses. I'm interested in what people think about this. I have written a long ranty article with my views on...
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Psychic fails to predict crystal ball fire

    From ABC News: Psychic fails to predict crystal ball fire A French amateur psychic's powers of prediction are under sharp scrutiny after his crystal ball started an inferno that burnt out his flat. British newspaper The Times reports that the fortune-telling device caused a fire that...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Four Corners this week

    Did anyone watch Four Corners this week on Monday or the repeat tonight (Weds)? It was the story of Robert with the Misissippi accent... This story made me sick to the very pit of my stomach. The psychological abuse of that child made me feel ill. I wanted to hit his grandmother. I felt...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Razor wire coming down at Villawood

    http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/razor-wire-to-come-down-at-villawood/2005/08/07/1123353200995.html Does anyone think this is a bit of tokenism designed to deflect the heat and stop the "behind the razor wire" metaphor being used continually? There seems little point to this at all.
  12. braindrainedAsh

    First week whinging!

    This forum is a bit dead, so here is a thread to whinge or jump up and down for joy about first week back at uni this semester. For me is has been strange because I only have uni on Monday and Tuesday.... Also, I have the same tutor for 2 out of my 3 subjects, and she is kinda boring. On...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    Bridging Visa E

    http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/a-bridge-on-the-road-to-nowhere/2005/07/28/1122143966706.html All I can say is that this is absolutely appalling. A nation blinded by xenophobia to such as extent that they would let people suffer so much really needs to take a good hard look at itself.
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Writers at ACU Canberra

    Do you like to write? Do you study at ACU in Canberra? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is launching in...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    University of Canberra students- anyone want to be a journalist?

    Do you like to write? Do you study at the University of Canberra? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is...
  16. braindrainedAsh

    ANU Writers Needed

    Do you like to write? Do you study at Australian National University? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    UNE Writers Wanted

    Do you like to write? Do you study at the University of New England? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    We need writers at UNCLE!

    Do you like to write? Do you study at the University of Newcastle? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Attention Writers at UOW!

    Do you like to write? Do you study at the University of Wollongong? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Want to be a journalist? Help get CSU in to the pages of The Student Leader

    Do you like to write? Do you study at any of the Charles Sturt University campuses? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines? The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online...