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  1. C

    1 more prediction please

    I got: Business Studies 84 English (Advanced) 76 Information Processes and Technology 95 General Maths 93 Modern History 77 thanx for help
  2. C

    Huy, what you get in ipt?

    What you end up getting in ipt?
  3. C

    CA and AWA?

    Whats the difference between Certified Agreemnets and Australian Workplace Agreements? And where does Enterprise bargainning come into it? Thanx for help
  4. C

    Qantas Case Study

    Has anyone summarised the Qantas case study? Its the only one i have but its so fucking big. If your doing Qantas and have some notes on it post them up please :)
  5. C

    Leni's cutlure impact?

    What impact did Leni make on social/culture life in nazi germany? Yeah her films maybe have been propaganda what impact did they have on the german people and society?
  6. C

    Women/Youth in Germany

    Does anyone have any good notes or any good points about women and youth in nazi germany? All i really knows is that there was hitler youth and women were discouraged from working and encouraged about having children.
  7. C

    Nuremburg laws?

    What did the Nuremburg laws of 1935 actually comprise of? I know they included further repression of the jews, but what were some of the acts included in them?
  8. C

    SQL Question

    Our teacher told us that when you do a query it automatically sorts it in ascending order. So i just left it as ORDER BY Last_name do you think i will lose marks?
  9. C

    Our whole school gets misadventure

    Yeap, those dodgy board of studies examiners only gave us 1 hour 55 minutes for the AOS exam. So know the school is lodging a complaint. The examiners also forgot to tell ESL to leave after 1 and a half hours so they also got 25 minutes extra time. How good is that...
  10. C

    URGENT: UAI Estimate

    Can some1 please give me a prediction om my UAI for 2003. Subject / Mark / Rank Adv English / 75% / 10/36 Gen Maths / 80% / 1/35 Biz Studies / 75% / 8/34 Mod History / 75% / 3/15 IPT / 75% / 4/22 If you could give me...