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Search results

  1. 1

    where to live

    hey ppl just wanted some advice on where to live next year when i come to uow i wanna stay on campus in my 1st year to meet ppl coz i dont know anyone in the gong im probably deciding out of campus east, international house and weerona so any info on these would be great - just ppls opinions...
  2. 1

    where to live?????

    Going to usyd next year just wanted ppls advice/opinions on where to stay im not from syd so i dont know anyone really so i was thinking staying on campus would be cool and at least id meet ppl the colleges look very boarding schoolish and rather i dunno snobbish and restrictive which...
  3. 1

    usyd Arts students - advice pleze

    how hard is it to get distinction averages for first year? i need that to be able to transfer to ba media and communications would i have to study my arse off all year? would it be worth it - i really wanna do that course but it would take me like 5 yrs if i did it that way and im not...
  4. 1

    Info advice about melbourne uni's

    hi firstly i applied for both nsw and victorian courses - is this allowed and do i only get one offer or one from both UAC and VTAC also i think i will change my preferences for VTAC but im not sure exactly about the quality of certain uni's is melbourne uni the equivalent of UNSW or Usyd...
  5. 1

    Being Informed

    Does anyone know any good books, websites or articles to read about politics and current affairs???
  6. 1

    all i want is 90 - do i have a chance

    ranks and school assessment adv eng 4/50 (87/100) ext eng 3/8 (40/50) pe 2/16 (79/100) sor 1 5/82 (42/50) modern 1/25 (91/100) ext his 1/6 (45/50) drama 4/12 (83/100) i think i went worse in exams but then again i am a pessimist estimated hsc marks...
  7. 1

    Question 2 - anyone?

    it was pretty open and broad as i guess it has to be and it had everybody's preferred TWO areas of debate did ppl refer to the quote much? how did you go and how much did you write? i managed about 13 pages in 40mins ( went overboard on Q1 ) dont think i did to well hopefully made it...
  8. 1

    AJP Taylor - context

    hey all you appeasement ppl im kinda confused about Taylor was he anti-appeasement in the 1930s because he had left wing affliations? and then was he less critical in the 1960s because he had shifted to the right? also would it be ok to say he liked being controversial and therefore was...
  9. 1

    Source prediction

    Anyone wanna have a guess what the source will be on for what is history I hope its something on Reynolds/Winshuttle like our trial but i doubt it. If not i hope its on postmodernists because i love attacking their arguments and bagging them out!!! Does it have to be from the BOS source...
  10. 1

    Carefactor for drama exam????

    is it just me or does anybody else really not care about this exam?
  11. 1

    Predicting UAIs when HSC marks come out

    hey laz or whoeva can help would it b possible to accurately predict a persons UAI when they receive there HSC raw marks could u find out the mark of the person who received your assessment rank for the exam and then average that with your raw hsc mark released by the board of studies put it...
  12. 1

    retreat from the global ppl - what da u reckon?????????

    i think the essay question was pretty solid pretty oprn for me to talk bout my texts - i said retreat was resisting the mainstream or some shit my creative question was kinda dodge i said i was seamus heaney and talked bout - wll nothing really glad i didnt bother studying very much 4 this...
  13. 1

    Whose ready and whose screwed?

    how we all feeling personally im overwhelmed and have resigned myself to the fact that preparing is no good becoz we will probably get some obscure question that wont fit any of the prescribed or related texts and i will sit there for two hours and draw the board of studies a picture and say it...
  14. 1

    skills needed to make an informed decision about alternative health care - WHAT THE

    wat a lame question had no idea wat did others write
  15. 1

    Scenes that epitomise a nihilistic interpretation in Brooks - HELP

    hi - i only got my production of Brooks today and as the exam is tomorrow ( ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ) could someone please suggest a particular scene which particularly highlights a nihilistic view! this is so confusing - i should have started earlier do i relate Brooks to Beckett's endgame...
  16. 1

    PE is actually really hard but scales shit ahhhhhh!

    most ppl think pe is easy and a bludge and u just play sport all day ( who dont do it ) its fricking hard - do u not agree sooooooooo much content its the worst of all my subjects comin 2nd but only mark of 79!!!! wat r others marks like????????? i have a feelin our teacher is crap...
  17. 1

    No idea for Lear - marxist feminist readings - WHAT THE!

    What part of the rubric does different readings come under? We havent learnt bout readings just different productions - could someone explain a feminst of marxist reading Also how many productions should we know? Cheers:rolleyes:
  18. 1

    u guessed it - PREDICT ME PLEASE

    Hey my school is non selective, regional school we do ok but we'd be lucky if all our top 10 place getters r in the 90s for there UAI. Anyways any chance i could get over 90 ( crossfingers ) ext eng 40/50 = rank 3/8 adv eng 87/100 = rank 4/92 ext his 45/50 = rank 1/5 mod his...