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  1. limecookie

    Difference between Accounting & Finance?

    if i don't get into med ... i'd probably go for commerce, rather than a science degree.. i mean what can you do with a science degree? (no offence) oh and i dropped physics this year (YAY) :) and picked up 4u (errrr)
  2. limecookie

    Difference between Accounting & Finance?

    Hi, i was wondering if anyone can clarify the differences between accounting and finance? All i've heard is that finance is harder than accounting & apparently accounting has more to do with numbers than finance? Can anyone tell me what the differences between the two majors are? Also, what...
  3. limecookie

    Difference between Accounting & Finance?

    Hi, i was wondering if anyone can clarify the differences between accounting and finance? All i've heard is that finance is harder than accounting & apparently accounting has more to do with numbers than finance? Can anyone tell me what the differences between the two majors are? Also, what...
  4. limecookie

    Number of places available @ UWS Med?

    Hi i was wondering, how many places/positions does UWS Med offer each year? Do they offer the same number of positions as UNSW? around 200? or less?
  5. limecookie

    Related Texts for MENTOR RELATIONSHIP

    Hey My core text is 'Dead Poet Society' & I have 'The Perfect Fan' by Backstreet Boys as a related text BUT I URGENTLY NEED ANOTHER! if you know any texts related to mentor relationship (preferably a poem) please post! thanks!
  6. limecookie

    What's your fav show on TV right now

  7. limecookie

    House M.D.

    SEPTEMBER 16TH! they moved it back two weeks :( new promo says that wilson's going to resign!! although i highly doubt that.
  8. limecookie

    Duke of Edinburgh

    Hey, I'm in Yr 11 atm and I've just decided that I want to do DOE. Is it too late to join now? If not, should I go for Silver or Gold? The problem is, I'm not 16 yet.. so I'd have to wait until September to do Gold.. :( Silver or Gold?? D: Does Gold take a reallly long time? i.e. 2 years? and...
  9. limecookie

    Grey's Anatomy

    she was my favourite too! i can't wait til 7 starts showing 'private practice'!!!! promo looks good :)
  10. limecookie

    House M.D.

    lol! i like amber too BUT 13's gotta be my favourite, she's so mysterious, although we know that her name's remy hadley and she has huntington's. AMBER & WILSON!! the finale was so sad!
  11. limecookie

    House M.D.

    OMG HOUSE THREAD!! WOO! I LOVEEE HOUSE :D!! season 4 finale was THE BEST, no? sad ending, but it was still the best! one problem: cuddy's disturbing poledancing scene D: i am scarred for life. SEPTEMBER 2ND! yayyyy!
  12. limecookie

    UMAT Prep Courses = helpful? Face2Face?

    Hey, Recently, Michael Caristo came to my school to talk about Face2Face UMAT prep courses. It looks to be pretty good, but I was wondering if UMAT prep courses are really necessary? If you attended any, could you please tell me if it actually helped you?? What is your opinion of Face2Face...
  13. limecookie

    Mid Course Preliminary Eco

    yeah, that was our extended response question.
  14. limecookie

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? HAHA. I was there last year & the year before that.. maybe we know each other :/ haha, hows the snr uniform?
  15. limecookie

    So how was Your first day in yr 11 09'ers!

    First day was freaky, cos I just changed schools. WE GOT OUR PHYSICS ASSESSMENT TASK ON THE FIRST DAY :( omg. erghhh. I mean I don't even know what physics is about yet and they give me an assignment due in three weeks?! I am so not looking forward to the next two years.
  16. limecookie

    Applying for Medicine @ UNSW- UMAT, interview, etc.

    Hey, for those of you who are currently taking the Medicine course at UNSW, I was wondering: Was it hard to get accepted? Was applying for Medicine really stressful and competitive? I really want to study Medicine @ UNSW, but I heard it's very hard to get accepted. :/ How was the UMAT exam...
  17. limecookie


    ARGHHH!! I KNOW! The ladies were like: "Okay, now pull out the staples and check that you have section 1, 2 ... and so on" I was like: "Whaaat??" - basically because i HAVE no fingernails :( so i was trying to open the staple from the back by using my thick, 30 cm RULER. My friend who was...
  18. limecookie

    SC 2007 - Science

    I am actually really disappointed about my Science result. I got 91, just passed the band 6 borderline. Argh, and i want to be a doctor.. Guess I have a lot of work to do over the next two years :( Anyway, some of the questions were really tricky! Hey, you know for the question when we had to...
  19. limecookie

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    omg. i was really NOT prepared for the two extended response questions. I was one of the last people to finish the exams. :( but hey, i can't complain. band 6s for both :)
  20. limecookie

    SC 2007 - Computing Skills

    6 people in my school got 99. :O argh, i got 98.. two marks!!