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Communicate in the Workplace (1 Viewer)


Mar 19, 2006
Here's some stuff from the hsc.csu site. Hope it helps.

Communicate in the workplace

Key terms and concepts

Body language: using the body or facial expressions when communicating
Briefing notes: summarized notes that report on the progress of a particular project or task.
Correspondence: written communication, usually by letter.
Defined resource parameters: the resources available to complete a task are limited/stated.
Electronic mail: correspondence that is sent via email or facsimile.
Enquiries: Instances of asking or seeking information
Equity principles and practice: the notion of fairness and the procedures in place to support it.
General correspondence: items of mail that are delivered to a workplace generally by a post person, consisting mainly of letters.
Hardware: the mechanical and electronic components of a computer, eg the hard drive.
Instructions: verbal or written directions setting out how to do a task.
Memo: a form of written communication (that is less formal then a letter) from one person to another or a group of people in an office.
Network system: A chain of interconnected computers, machines or operations
Oral communication: communication that is verbal, which can be either face-to-face or over the telephone.
Proforma letter: a standard letter that has been drafted to use in numerous similar situations.
Proofreading: the process of checking a document for errors, either on the computer or paper.
Quality assurance: A system to maintain standards in a business.
Recipient: a person who receives something.
Software package: a number of computer programs generally sold as one package, all produced by the same company, which is cheaper than purchasing each program individually.
Voice mail: any system for sending, storing and retrieving audio messages, like a telephone answering machine.
Written communication: communication that is written down, either in the form of a letter, memo, note, facsimile, report or email etc.

Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the simplest form of communication. However, it is not successful unless the two people understand the information the same way.
In an office, verbal communication can include:
  • Answering the telephone
  • Receiving visitors
  • Relaying messages
  • Receiving or giving instructions
  • Making or confirming arrangements
  • Addressing meetings
Effective verbal communication skills

Listening: listening is an important skill in communicating with others, as you are able to learn what the other person wants and means. To fully understand the message being conveyed, it is important that you ask questions to clarify the meaning. It is also important to clarify that the other person understands your message.
Understanding body language: body and facial expressions are often used when communicating. It is important that your body is not conveying something different to what you are saying.
Appropriate speech: in the workplace, it is important to use language appropriate to the audience. The jargon used when speaking to a colleague is not always appropriate when speaking to a client, as they may not understand the jargon being used.
Making use of correct questioning techniques: questioning is an important tool to obtain feedback and clarification of a message to ensure that the receiver understands what the sender is saying. There are three main questioning techniques:
  • Open questions: these encourage the sharing of information and usually require longer answers eg Why are you interested in applying for this job?
  • Closed questions: these questions are usually asking for a yes or no answer, and do not encourage further discussion eg Are you interested in applying for this job?
  • Reflective questions: these questions are structured so that the person answers in a particular way, to make their opinion clear, eg This job interests you doesn’t it?
Effective telephone techniques

The first voice heard on the phone creates a lasting impression and the receptionist is usually the first point of contact a customer/client has with a business. It is important that callers are greeting with a pleasant and clear tone of voice, in a polite and friendly manner, using concise and correct English.
Most organisations have a policy for answering the telephone, which may include:
  • Answering the call within a certain number of rings
  • Giving a greeting like good morning or good afternoon
  • Stating the name of the business
  • Introducing yourself
  • Asking how you may help
Responding to enquiries

In order to respond to enquiries promptly, it is important that you have a good knowledge of the organisation’s products or services, as well as the personnel who work there, if you cannot answer an enquiry, you should be able to direct the enquiry to the person who is responsible for that department or area so that the person has their queries answered within a short period of time.

Written communication

Written information is a very important part of the business communication process. Written information in an office may include handwritten and printed materials, electronic mail, internal memos, briefing notes, facsimiles, general correspondence and telephone messages.

Effective written communication

To be effective, written communication has the following aspects:
Clear: it is important to write clearly so that the person reading it will not get confused. It is best to use short paragraphs (which contain only one thought or idea), short sentences and simple language.
Concise: to write concisely, use as few words as possible to convey your thoughts, avoid repetition and leave out unnecessary information.
Courteous: This is polite and respectful writing. Write a letter to a customer in the way that you would like to receive one.
Complete: make sure that all the relevant information is included in the correspondence so that no details are left out.

Business letters

There are several forms of business letters:

Acknowledgement: sometimes sent to confirm that the business has received a letter.
Claim: also known as a letter of complaint. These letters should be written tactfully, without blame or anger. The problem should be stated first, with adequate information provided so that the business can reply to offer a solution.
Adjustment: often written in reply to a letter of complaint or claim, usually to offer a solution. Also sent when an adjustment is made to a client’s account.
Confirmation: used to confirm something that has been agreed upon either over the phone or in person. This will serve as a written record so that details can be checked.
Enquiry: these are requests for information
Covering: a brief description of what is being sent, for example, when a business is sending brochures to a client, a brief covering letter is included.

Presentation of written information

All written communication should be examined for style and format. Both the soft copy and the hard copy should be proofread and corrections made to spelling, grammar, style and format should be made before the document is dispatched.

Identify communication procedures

Effective communication occurs when the intended meaning of the sender and the perceived meaning of the receiver are one and the same.
The communication process takes place in various situations for different reasons with the potential for many interpretations. This has seven main elements:

  • Sender
  • Message
  • Receiver
  • Feedback
  • Channel
  • Context or setting
  • Noise or interference

[/FONT] The Sender

One of the most important skills any person in an organisation can have is the ability to communicate. How a person can communicate depends on their background and accumulated attitudes, experience, skills, cultural conditioning and individual differences.

The Message
This is the idea or feeling transmitted from the sender to the receiver to achieve understanding. It makes a connection between the sender and the receiver.

The Receiver
The receiver decodes or interprets the message to achieve understanding. He or she is also a unique individual, with a different background of cultural experience and conditioning and a particular perception of the message.


Feedback is essential in interpersonal communication. It is the person’s response to a sender’s message (whether verbal or non-verbal). It indicates understanding by both sender and receiver and how the message is being received.

Verbal communication

This comes from form of words. It can be spoken words between two or more people, or in written letters, memos and message.

Non-verbal communication

This is a message sent by any means other than words or graphics – by facial expressions, body movement, posture or dress (even the way you speak – implying something – or on the telephone or in reception). You have probably heard the expression “actions speak louder than words”. Very often body language speaks louder than words. Non-verbal communication can, in some instances, be just as important as verbal communication.

The Communication Channel

The communication channel is the means or technique used to send a message – a letter, a telephone call, a conversation, a radio or television program.

The Context

The context is the environment or setting within which communication takes place – a formal meeting, a work group or a business lunch. The time of the message or the status of sender and receiver all present a different environment for communicating.

Noise or Interference

Something can interfere with the way any message in any environment is received. For example, physical distractions (such as a noisy office; the mood of the sender; lack of empathy between sender and receiver; a hot, humid day; or how tired or frustrated the sender or receiver is). All of these can cause communication barriers.

Communication Barriers

Common causes of stress in a business situation are communication barriers between individual worker, workers and managers, and among management.
These are caused by:
  • Lack of courtesy by the sender or receiver
  • Inappropriate choice of words
  • Inadequate feedback
  • Inappropriate message
  • Inappropriate channel
  • Receiver inattention
  • Non-verbal communication that does not support the words used
  • Poor layout and presentation in letters, memos and other documents
  • Poor timing
  • Poor listening skills
Successful communication is not only the ability to use language well or speak clearly, or to present one’s own point of view; it is the ability to listen well to the other person’s point of view. In other words, to listen actively and effectively.

Routine correspondence

Email- electronic mail sent from one computer to another. Email messages are sent to exchange information quickly.
Facsimiles-means an exact copy. Most organisations use a fax machine to transmit business correspondence.
Letters: are used by organisations to pass on a variety of business information. Letters may be preferred when evidence or a record of business activities is required. Well written and well presented letters can provide an excellent impression of the organisation to clients.

The types of letters that are regularly drafter and sent by an organisation will vary, depending on the type of business conducted. Some common types of letters are:

[/FONT] ·Acknowledgement
·Complaint and claims
·Covering letters

Letter of acknowledgement
Sent in reply to confirm that the organisation received a letter, the letter of acknowledgement tells the sender that their application has been received and that they will be contacted by a certain time.

Letters of complaint
Letters of complaint usually describe a situation where a customer was not happy with some aspect of the organisations service or product.

Letters of adjustment
Letters of adjustment are often written in reply to complaints or claims. In letters of adjustment do not refer to customer’s letters as a complaint. Instead, a solution should be offered.

Covering letters
Covering letters are used to briefly describe what is being sent.

Letters of confirmation
Letters of confirmation are used to confirm something that has been agreed upon, usually over the phone or in person.

Letters of enquiry
A letter of enquiry is usually asking for information. It should be brief, to the point and courteous.

Letters of request
A letter of request is used to request specific services.

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