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  • Hey Thomas, can you scan those 2 notes on speeches for me? And possibly email me or upload it?

    Margaret Atwood 'Spotty-Handed Villainesses'
    Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt 'Statement to the Knesset'
    haha I am sure you will do very very well, thomas =)
    ye, same for me too. I bomed out few exams last term but I reckon my time has come...Trials lol =)
    may we succeed this trial season and win this HSC ye ? hahha >.<
    good luck with your studying this hol man
    ahha it has been pretty alright =) what about you? studying well?
    Oh I once had a dream about BOS members lol and u and lolokay got state ranks in 4 unit hahaha =) I was settled with state rank in 3 unit which I reckon is better lololololol!!!
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