Recent content by Danm999

  1. D

    World War One

    3) I dealt with this in a few ways. The US entry was a significant turning point because: The Russians had just left the war. Militarily they provided massive resources, helped stave off the Spring Offensives, conduct the Allied freeing offensives. Meant financial loans could rush back into...
  2. D

    Trotsky Personality

    We had this one in our trials, so it was easy for most of us. My comments on how Trotsky has been dealt with was that sometimes history skewed him. He was denied his rightful role in Soviet history for years due to his opposition to Stalin. He was idealised in the West as what would have been...
  3. D

    Conflict In Indo-china - Tet Offensive

    I basically took the perspective that Tet was an extremely significant element of North strategy, and although it backfired in the short term (ie militarily) it was extremely effective in the long term (on the home front). But I also said it was not the most significant part of North strategy...
  4. D

    Was English a waste of time?

    Module C, especially if your doing Frontline, is great. Teaches you to never trust those bastards in the media. Now watching Today Tonight, you can really see the awful, over sensationalised and deceitful stories and reporters much more clearly, as well as the techniques they use to push what...
  5. D

    Pompeii Q- modern methods and technologies

    Remember which subject your doing. History. If you didn't give a comprehensive walkthrough on the new technologies of the past few decades, relax. All they were looking for is that you relate some things we've learnt about the lives of Pompeiians and Herculaneuns from new technology such as...
  6. D

    Finishing early + other stuff

    Quite a few people at my exam, myself included, finished early. I filled up a book on both my character study and time period, and about 6-7 pages on my society study. Not much more I could have done.
  7. D


    If you looked at other questions on other personalities, it indicated that it meant how we became king of Macedonia. Basically I said it was a combination of his own abilities and the support he got from others; his success at Charonea, his relationship with Phillip, the opportunity he had...
  8. D

    Poll: Physical Journey question

    The actual essay required was no harder, but the way the question was worded was more vague and confusing, especially when you consider this exam was designed for the entire candidature. Although it asked for something similar to inner and imaginative journeys, it wasn't clear in requesting...
  9. D

    Should eng. be a manditory subject?

    Does that really matter now? I mean, this post is clearly about idiocy and generalisations, so I'll thank you not to end that. But seriously, how can the original poster be so stupid? Does he honestly think jobs in the fields of journalism or media and communications are going to turn down...
  10. D

    Frontline- Can They Ever Ask 3??

    I agree completely. Any situation where you need to talk about an episode more than a few sentences probably means your going into worthless decscription. Doing it by themes like this means you can intelligently link in many episodes and not waste time. For example, if you wished to discuss...
  11. D

    Most shite module?

    I quite enjoy modules A and C (we're doing Hamlet/RaGaD and Frontline respectively), so I have to say Module B, Harwood :mad1:. However, the modules ain't got nothing on Journey, which is clearly the most unpolished/confused piece of the entire curriculum.
  12. D

    Frontline- Can They Ever Ask 3??

    they are within their rights to ask you to discuss all proscribed episodes.
  13. D

    English Choices for Year 11 &12

    If you've got the choice, give Advanced a go. Honestly, it is not that much harder than Standard, and if you do well it will be so much more rewarding in terms of marks. Plus, if you find it too dificult, you do have the choice of dropping.
  14. D

    Time table clash

    Yes. And then next morning I have Legal Studies. That'll be fun. But Legal is my last exam, so there is a silver lining.
  15. D

    how do u study 4 modern history

    For WW1 you really don't need that much detail. Most of it is skill based, you need to be able to read the sources and list answers, and evaluate reliability and usefullness. For the 'your own knowledge' bits, 3 to 4 points not discussed about the topic in the source is usually sufficient. Given...