Recent content by Grey Pigeon

  1. Grey Pigeon

    maths question help

    would it be alternate segment theorem?
  2. Grey Pigeon

    maths question help

    PT is a tangent to the circle PRQ, and QR is a secant intersecting the circle in Q and the line QR intersects PT at T. Prove that triangle PRT is similar to triangle QPT
  3. Grey Pigeon

    maths question help

    circle geometry question
  4. Grey Pigeon

    best school for maths?

    sefton isnt too bad for maths esp if ur in selective they make all selectives do 5.3 maths and exams are quite difficult
  5. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    looks like mail box duty then
  6. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    what reserve number?
  7. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    yeah i meant our yr entry for yr 10
  8. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    pretty sure entry to year 10 girra gives out 20 spots (to form a new class) + the amount of people leaving the school for other schools
  9. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    congrats mate u deserved it after all the adversities u faced. i hope u succeed in fort for ur hsc
  10. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    just put forgot ur password or smth and then it should u a pass reset link to ur email
  11. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    @kkk579 also knows who my friend is lol
  12. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    add me, kkk579 or constantspy and one of us will invite u to the discord server
  13. Grey Pigeon

    Selective Entry Thread 2021 (Lockdown)

    @kkk579 i sent the invite link in disc dms