Recent content by lilrose

  1. L

    Top Achievers List

    When does the top Achiever's list come out?
  2. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    damn I changed my answer last minute
  3. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    Yeah I thought it would not have been bubble as it usually takes more than one pass for bubble unless you start at the end, which I haven't really seen
  4. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    Oh damn, I thought that selection could've started with the last element, whoops
  5. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    i put down D becasue I thought a measuring cylinder would be more practical, when I saw the question I though they would've put a pipette or something
  6. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    Same i just did the opposite of esterification but replaced one of the OHs with the Na ion i think i did it for the acetate or something like that i can't remember
  7. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    The industrial 4 marker on equilibrium constants, the answer i got was so far off I'm not sure if it was right
  8. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    Did anyone know how to do the equilibrium constant thing in industrial, i found that so hard idek if i did it right. I found the paper to be easier than previous years tbh, they were really nice with the 4 and 7 markers, most calculations in section 1 were easy.
  9. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    Did anyone get like 5 c's (for the last five questions) in a row for MC or am I just fucked?
  10. L

    Chemistry Exam thoughts

    Yeah same, i found industrial chem hard with that contstant question, what did everyone get for that?
  11. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    What did everyone get for the MC sort one? I chose selection and insert though i was tempted to go with all three
  12. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    For the binary search question I changed it from high=middle to high=middle-1 (since middle and high already been checked and stuff) and from low= middle to low=middle+1, mainly because that's how it was in the textbook
  13. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    I was so happy when I saw there wasn't one, I always stuff those ones up
  14. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    yeah there was the five mark purchase module and i think 3-4 mark one with the numbers being divisibible by 2 and 3
  15. L

    Sdd 2017 hsc

    No, no binary calculations just a question in the elective how two's compliment is used in subtraction, it was fairly easier than previous exams