Well, nothing yet.
Thursday night, going to a show (will stab fuckers if I don't get to go). Friday get whole day off school to go to Sydney Uni, so about a 2 hour trip of sleeping to recover from Thursday night. Saturday night to a mate's house for an 18th. Sunday I get to work with my girlfriend for the first time. I don't know if my employer knows I'm in a relationship with her. Could be problematic.
However, I did do 6 hours of maths today. (assuming you haven't read the "things that annoy you" thread) That was... interesting.
I'd love to go to uni. At least you don't have to listen to 12-14 year olds for most the day, or intellectually sub-par humans in your grade. (that's a bit horrible)
Hope you do well in your exams.

Sorry for the essay.