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  • Hero's not a word to be thrown around... but, well. I've introduced you to bacon omlettes.
    Outstanding thanks a lot

    What would be a substitute for capsicum with equivalent nutritional value? (not a big fan of the taste)
    I didn't really want to post this in a thread on the chance that you'd miss it

    I've been meaning to get into a good diet for building muscle and you've said that you have a really cheap weekly food budget

    I was just wondering, specifically, what you buy? I don't have a whole heap of cash to blow, but you said yourself that you have a decent budget.

    You spelt pedestal wrong.

    Because you don't think it's great a woman has reached that position. You seem to define a woman's success by whether she both obtains career success and as a mother. Otherwise in your view she doesn't have as much worth.

    I still think that's disgusting, and it's people like you who perpetuate that opinion, so I stand by my comment.
    Hey, it's no problem what you wrote. You've actually already pm'd me the name of the doctor you saw when I was using a different account. I've been talking about it a little and getting on with my life, but of course we all have slip ups and it's a long process to becoming healthy.

    Thanks :)
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