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  1. M

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    lol probs during step up. worst movie... and there were kids around. ahahaha
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    exam essay- TWO core texts? (postmodernism)

    Hey guys I know this is kind of last minute, but I'm wondering if the Ext 1 exams always ask to refer to just TWO core texts? Do they ever ask for more than two? Can they ask us to refer to a specific core text? Our class studied 'Orlando', 'The French Lieutentants Woman' and 'If on a...
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    order of texts in essay, any ideas? thank you

    thanks, thats reassuring :)
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    i'm not sure about papers but i've seen a few threads with questions check this one out i think there's more though, do a search for questions or practice...
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    order of texts in essay, any ideas? thank you

    I'm touching up my journeys essay, with Coleridge as my core text - and i realised that i could link my texts better if they were in the order of : poem 1 stimulus poem 2 supplementary and not the two poems at the front as i thought was usual. does this matter at all? do the markers...
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    short story-imaginative journey ??

    i know this is months later, but try the short story "Brandon's Free" by Dean Hovey. I don't think it's prescribed for anything, and it's a very good imaginative journey. Check if it's a prescribed text tho, just in case?
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    Listening: Some links that might be helpful great french grammar site by the university of texas (or something?), worksheets with the grammar pages, audio dialogue and also click on --- > tools from the main page to practice verb conjucations... its awesome and they even got a storyline -...
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    History & Memory - Related Texts try using that site as a text. i'm using it for my assessment on 50th gate tomorrow. (hopefully i can pull it off) it is great for all the his&mem stuff, the only problem i guess is the medium (website), but if you can analyse the relevant techniques...
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    History & Memory: Related Texts

    Re: History & Memory - Related Texts try using that site as a text. i'm using it for my assessment on 50th gate tomorrow. (hopefully i can pull it off) it is great for all the his&mem stuff, the only problem i guess is the medium (website), but if you...
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    (Dali painting) VISUAL = good/bad?!

    thanks a lot guys, that made me feel a lot better about the whole thing :)
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    Text's EFFECTS on RESPONDERS opinion about im. journeys?!!

    Hey, how is everyone? Now, just when i thought i had this whole journey thing under control, I mean, Iunderstand the concept, I can say why something is an imaginative journey, point out the techniques, etc... I find questions that i just confuse me even more: e.g. 1) In the texts you...
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    (Dali painting) VISUAL = good/bad?!

    Hey guys I have heard good and bad news about using visual texts, anyone have any ideas about this? Is it a bad idea to do a visual text for imaginative journeys, will there be some bias against it in the marking? I'm thinking of using "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a...
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    dali's painting

    are you using Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening? I'm thinking of using this one as well, but right now i'm quite confused by it.