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  1. J

    organic methods. help

    so the use of organic manure what about stubble grazing? and the use of wind breaks to stop erosion? Cause you know erosion takes the top soil so therefore takes the nutrients. So if you stop erosion organic matter is not taken from the soil. What you think??? wb x
  2. J

    organic methods. help

    can anyone give me assistance. this question is in the 2006 hsc paper and i was just doing it and got stuck on this question. Discuss two organic methods of improving soil fertility. it would be much appreciated if you could write back as sooooon as possible. cheers
  3. J

    Simple Ag question

    sugar is also used as a preservative.
  4. J

    HOTEL school

    hi. im currently in year 12 and i was just wondering does anyone attend Hotel School, Sydney or Bluemountains? if so could you please reply to this as i am in much need of information about this. thankyou Jess
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    Studying for Maths

    hey. my teacher has told me about most of these study techniques too. They really do work. the best way to study is by doing practice exams. im doing mathematics accelerated. is anyone else doing this? They told us the success rate was higher if you do all yr 11 and yr 12 mathematics in one...
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    LEUNIG cartoon let it go

    the techniques i used were: -Repetition -Vector Lines -colour scheme -Creation of Movement -Simplicity i used these in my report. hope they help!
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    Inner journeys.. thesis statement?

    what is a thesis statement related to inner journeys.. i have to write an essay on inner journeys and i have to pursue a thesis statement. what does this mean?
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    Research Project

    hey i would fall in the bracket of current student doing the research poject. i recently just finished the actual experiment and just writing up some results now. its going to be tough work and only do it if your going to put in your very best. what school you go to? and have done the...
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    get over yourself. honestly
  10. J

    Primary teaching

    Currently doing year 12 and just want information on primary teaching course if anyone does it. cheers.
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    Hi. if you can or have any time at all would you please be able to help me out with this. I have a half yearly english exam coming up next week and i have hardly prepared for this essay whatsoever. the question is: "Imaginative journeys give rise to intellectual and emotional ones as well."...
  12. J


    gee whiz. sorry about putting that in the EE2 forum. BUT if any one could help. how does imaginative journeys give rise to emotional and intellectual ones as well ? using 2 of coleridges poems. & how have the texts you have studied effectively shaped your understanding of journeys?
  13. J

    syllabus answers. + Half yearly

    does anyone have any notes that answer every dot point on the syllabus for the blueprint of life. ? it would be much appreciated. i have half yearlies next week. thanks heaps if anyone can help.
  14. J

    IMPORTANT ! creative writing

    hi any help would be much appreciated. i have to write an imaginary journey/creative story and im totally screwed. My stories are weak and have no meaning. any help or past imaginative journey stories that people could post would be much appreciated. thanks
  15. J

    IMPORTANT ! creative writing

    hi any help would be much appreciated. i have to write an imaginary journey/creative story and im totally screwed. My stories are weak and have no meaning. any help or past imaginative journey stories that people could post would be much appreciated. thanks
  16. J


    hi any help would be much appreciated. i have to write an imaginary journey/creative story and im totally screwed. My stories are weak and have no meaning. any help or past imaginative journey stories that people could post would be much appreciated. thanks
  17. J

    Michael Luenig Cartoon

    imainative journeys give rise to intellectual and emotional ones as well" how have the texts you have studied effectively shaped your understanding of journeys? how does michael luenigs cartoon, (the life you could have led) portray this. any help would be much appreciated.
  18. J

    4 texts. Two Coleridge. Two others. Suggestions? (please)

    hey. ive got to do the same sort of thing for my half yearly exam. except i get to choose 2 of coleridges poems and then 2 of my own related texts.
  19. J

    Half yearly.

    hey thanks for that. my chosen texts are lucy in the sky with diamonds and a michael luenig cartoon. then we have to relate them to 2 of coleridges poems. sooo !
  20. J

    Half yearly.

    Creative writing response conveying your understanding o imaginary journeys. Describe an imaginary journey (real or imagined) that you have undertaken. > reflect on both challenges and impact of the journey. any ideas on what i should write about? or anything that could help. awell as an...