Search results

  1. Sand Storm

    Stand. Eng. aim.

    I'd be happy with 50%....I hate the subject :bomb:
  2. Sand Storm

    Global Village - The Castle

    Thats why I hate english, it makes you look so hard at a text and take away what it means and replace it with some really lame deep meaning that the composer probably didn't even want...
  3. Sand Storm

    Global Village - The Castle

    I never even thought of Facebook aye! Thanks Shady, mate, that helps heaps!!
  4. Sand Storm

    standard english - the global village

    Me too! Anyone have anything good to go with "The Castle"?
  5. Sand Storm

    What alcoholic drinks are in your fridge?

    Wow. What a waste of Extra Dry. atm theres about 2 sixers of Extra Dry, 4 VB stubbies and a couple of Beam cans. I wish there was Bundy. :mad1: @Crestwood: Dude, Extra Dry is NIIIIICE. The best beer I've had; better than Crownies and Extra Dry Platinum. Cascade Light is okay...but I'd drink...
  6. Sand Storm

    Distinctly Visual

    Yeah mine is too! Search for RTA ads, preferably Queensland ones. The NSW ones are a little more censored, so the QLD ones work best. My teacher said one of each no I have to find something else. @ ash, thanks I'll have a look. @Rabbitoh again, GO THE MIGHTY RED AND...
  7. Sand Storm

    Metals and engineering

    Wow. That was odd. :bomb: And yes. Yes I am.
  8. Sand Storm

    Work Placement

    WOW this PI page is so freaking active aye. I did my placement in Pre-lim on a sheep station at shearing, so I basically rode a bike around sheep, yelled at my hound and did yard work. I ended up drenching and the like as well. This year I'm doing it on our property, doing all the same...
  9. Sand Storm

    Primary Students unite!

    pi=Primary Industries, I'm thinking. PI is good because, while it is piss easy, you still learn a bit. I'm from the scrub, 4 hours West of Dubbo, so the whole sheep part was a laugh. I mean, it was a joke. But at least I don't gotta grow potatos (AG) or anything, and most of it is useful. I...
  10. Sand Storm

    Distinctly Visual

    Hey all. I have been lurking about the forums unregistered for a while now, and was wondering about some Related Texts for "Distinctly Visual"? My teacher suggested RTA ads, but I only have one text (an ad) and am having trouble finding more. Does anyone have any ideas? :confused: