u mean dye it x2?! don't u have to bleach it to achieve that colour?
i know an indian friend just used blonde hair colour, it achieved a brunette tone afterwards in a single go
Hey all I'm going for an interview this week with a small surburban accounting firm. Any interview tips for this type of industry is greatly appreciated. thanks
Hey I came across this commercial from Korea, just wondering if anyone has heard the song played in it and can tell me name of artist/title? cheers
well I visit syd quite often so if there's someplace in syd that's got good yet cheap shoes i'd check it out. the style of shoes I'm interested in are the casual type similar to these:
My tip: read the chapter/section that'll be covered in the lecture. Anything you don't understand you should attend lecture since difficult points will be mentioned to clear up your problem. If you understand everything before the lecture it's pointless in going - use the time on more productive...