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  1. Sonic

    Osama bin Laden's neice is HOT

    money well spent.. oh i'll also mention to the orpahn that he's money is from a good cause
  2. Sonic

    Osama bin Laden's neice is HOT

    dude totally agree her face what is up with that... and like she's not gonna get any contracts.. if she does i'll give five dollars to an orphan (at least they'll need it)
  3. Sonic

    bikinis for mooslems

    this is more like a one piece suit thing not u're usual shirt..
  4. Sonic

    15 year old kills his dad because of his grades

    now he'll never know the marks
  5. Sonic

    store sales

    sales on 2morrow... go crazy i know i will LOL i'l be at electronics storews across the nation... ok maybe not nation but at least sydney
  6. Sonic

    What was that school which only allowed top students to do the HSC?

    My friend is in year 9 and she is already half way through the biology course! wow how bad is that.. some ppl would not be able to handle that
  7. Sonic

    Athiest talks to god

    yeah whatever in the end ppl have "grey matter" to use the way they use it is up to them... and ppl will sometimes have similar ideas and occaisionally we'll disagree but thats the beauty of the world... YING/YANG
  8. Sonic

    Athiest talks to god

    no your neighbour's kids are gullible.. hehe funny story though
  9. Sonic

    RAAF told me: cover up assault of girls

    not funny at all i really don't see how you can make such stupid comments.. and you THINK your funny, shit this is serious
  10. Sonic

    no.. please this cant be happening..

    dude look don't worry as i tell everyone life does not end here my child *pulls off wise old man mask* but for your sake i do hope it falls so evryone can get into desired courses
  11. Sonic

    Muslims slit daughter's throat over assumption

    yes u fucking idiot because the laws are concering INTERNATIONAL objectives the riots are a NATIONAL concern... oh yeah laws that were passed are more discrimminating to aussies than us lebs... yeah right that 'll be the day idiot seriously you have no idea what you are talking about. when lebs...
  12. Sonic

    bikinis for mooslems

    well MR when you actually travel overseas and see ppl (unlike your anglo world views) maybe you will see that other ppl are also educated :-o women and men of different backgrounds... my family overseas have all completed high school (except two guys who are repeating) i have many cousins in uni...
  13. Sonic

    Athiest talks to god

    what kinda god actually let's you not believe after they have "shown" (themselves apparently).. this just goes to show the person (because it could be a chick) is just making this up
  14. Sonic

    Athiest talks to god

    1 the link does not work... 2 this guy is not even crediable.. just some random guy on the net hell even i can say i met god and place it in a muslim perspective that doesn't mean you'll believe me... damn i'm sure you won't beleive me.. i'll argue some points later
  15. Sonic

    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    ok from a muslim perspective... muhammed was the last messanger so how can GOD change the bible??
  16. Sonic

    Muslims slit daughter's throat over assumption

    hehe yeah really it annoys me because this was all NOT approved of by the prophet Muhammed who loved his daughter deeply and then you get some camel owner who thinks he can do better than the prophet of ISLAM
  17. Sonic

    Muslims slit daughter's throat over assumption

    does this not say it all??? he's a freak and not a true muslim thats all i have to say about this asshole
  18. Sonic

    Soccer Rules Thread

    i'll answer this logically NO....
  19. Sonic

    Relationship with Homosexuals

    i'd have no problems seriously... friendship wise we're still cool but i wouldn't get into anything sexual..
  20. Sonic

    When does Uni start?

    https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/resources/AcademicCalendar.html 27 feb is the start day see above for details