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  1. Suvat

    What can I combine with?

    how does telling freehills that you know accounting work?
  2. Suvat

    Law at uni?

    Effectiveness? I don't think I've come across that yet...
  3. Suvat

    Law Question [torts]

    Hey tnx Laz :) Besides possibly being easier to prove negligence than intent, would there be any other reason why plaintiffs would choose to frame their action in negligence rather than an intentional tort such as battery? Would the damages awarded to the plaintiff be assessed differently...
  4. Suvat

    Calling All Asian Law Students!

    There are still no asian judges in any Australian court...
  5. Suvat

    Law Question [torts]

    This may seem elementary but um... when all the evidence point to an intentional tort, can you still frame it in an action of negligence?
  6. Suvat

    What DONT you like about YOUR uni

    Usyd: Hugeass campus Crappy food (most of the days) My old, fobby economics tutor Too much union/src/communist/facist/labor/liberal propaganda
  7. Suvat

    Post election thoughts

    Knowledge nation was a commendable policy, but like so many other labor policies, it was far too complex for the 'ignorant' voters to see its inherent benefits. It wasn't helped by a fact that some labor guy (forgot the name) drew up a diagram of it which the liberals and media were able to...
  8. Suvat

    Post election thoughts

    I personally am not angry with the 'ignorant' ones, I'm just disappointed that in this day and age, and the fact that we call ourselves the 'clever country', such a large proportion of the population still decide to take whatever propaganda they are fed on face value without making any further...
  9. Suvat

    Post election thoughts

    Why thank you :) Howards not going to be able to get a nuke and neither will latham, the US won't allow it... Despite being force fed the proposition that the howard government has skilfully crafted the economy into a work of art for the rest of the world to marvel at, ask yourself...
  10. Suvat

    Post election thoughts

    I think may be time for the Governor General to perform his official role of checking the government's legislation and actually earn his more than comfortable residence at yarralumla with his handsome pay packet... Ok, wishful thinking I know...
  11. Suvat

    Who are you voting for?

    Conservatism triumphs again... :(
  12. Suvat

    Who are you voting for?

    And fraser blocking the supply bill was so righteous?
  13. Suvat

    most flexible uni (timetable wise)

    UTS is probably the most flexible uni in terms of timetabling Usyd has rigid timetables for undergraduates Also depends on the course
  14. Suvat

    Should John Howard be allowed to run?

    I don't see how howard's advisors managed to deduce that the war was legal. The resolution which the government's advisors relied on was SCR (security council resolution) 687 which was implemented in 1991 for a completely different purpose, which was to eliminate or reduce iraq's ability to...
  15. Suvat

    The choice

    I am also fundamentally optimistic about the capactiy of human beings to solve their problems, I believe that if we drive the low income earners to the wall by increasing the gap between rich and poor through giving tax cuts to all who earn above $52000 pa, the low income earners will somehow...
  16. Suvat

    einstein and plank's differing views

    That is enough for a 4 mark question for an 8 marker u'll have to assess the merits of each view
  17. Suvat

    Graduate VS Undergraduate Law

    All those mature age students are soooo diligent, they do ALL the readings (not just the compulsory ones), they buy or borrow all those thick obscure law books and show up to class every time with a tape recorder. Maybe we should take the hint from them that the benefits of working hard are...
  18. Suvat

    Help! Is it possible to get a nice job if i graduate from ANU

    If you're doing a mainstream degree like business, commerce, law, science or engineering (with a mainstream major e.g. physics, electrical eng) then students at larger unis do have an advantage when they graduate. However, if you're into a specialised degree, then you should research the program...
  19. Suvat


    Even though usyd probably has the most flexible com/law program out of the sydney unis, I don't think you have enough cp to do any arts units. I know the e+b faculty is really lenient on law students overloading, but I'm not sure if they'll let you do arts units. A major is usually a minimum...
  20. Suvat

    Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect

    I was never able to separate einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect with the black body effect, it's basically the same concept - energy must be absorbed and distributed in packets. Now to expand that into an 8 mark exam response is the hard part, I used to be able to do it...