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  1. C

    Q14 in multiple choice??

    ok answer this... which is easier to oxidise gold(unreactive) or iron(more reactive)... ie) what is easier to achieve gold oxide or iron oxide?? Then u will understand the answer to this question
  2. C

    Q14 in multiple choice??

    fuckin can sum1 argue their point!! YOU all say the answer is D but u give false reasoning and some of u dont even fukin give a reason at all like this dickhead so sure about it without giving an explanation, what a wanka
  3. C

    Q14 in multiple choice??

    The question asks "Increasing EASE OF OXIDATION" you have interepreted the question incorrectly. The more reactive the metal, the easier it will oxidise! So as oxidation occurs at the negative terminal then and this is where the more reactive metal is. Ordering the metals by increasing...
  4. C

    Q14 in multiple choice??

    bograt u ordered them in increasing reactivity. the question asks for increasing ease of oxidation. The more reactive the metal is the easier it will oxidise that means that z,y,Pb,x is the answer, A
  5. C

    How many breaks do you allow yourself?

    the question should not be how many breaks do u allow should be how many study periods u allow ureself well thats my case neway
  6. C

    Multiple Choice Answers

    1) A.. obvious esterification 2) A... the moral of the story is always to help the environment 3) B... Goes green-blue in flame test 4) B... Quite obviously isomers 5) C... I guess its in the book 6) D... self explanatory 7) D... increase in pH by 3 means decrease in [H+] by 1000. 8) D...
  7. C

    HSC: What's going to be your WORST SUBJECT????

    advanced that is...Other subjects being Chem Phys 4unit Maths
  8. C

    HSC: What's going to be your WORST SUBJECT????

    English By A Country Mile!!!!!!!
  9. C

    The 2004 HSC - Chemistry Paper

    dafidav: pH= -log[H+]...this means it is the log of hydrogen ion concentration not number of moles of hydrogen ions in solution As original hydrogen ion cncentration is 0.01mol/L the number of moles present is irrelevant it is just the concentration that counts. A dilution by factor of...
  10. C

    Anyone playing for a Soccer Club this season?

    im also playin soccer this season..i play super league with Uni Syd Under only 17.. its a mad level of soccer but we have been copping it a few times this season i got my first red card ever playing for this team :(..dunno if i should be proud or disappointed but we back on track now...