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  1. P

    USYD Enrolment

    Hey, I received my email from USYD saying that I could start enrolment into BCom/LLB (Dalyell), however, when I got to the 'Units of Study' part I was just so overwhelmed. I was wondering if anyone had tips/advice from their own uni experiences? I'm literally so lost and have looked at the USYD...
  2. P

    Pathways to Law

    Hi everyone, My heart has been set on law since Year 10 and I have worked so hard in Year 11 and 12 but I just received my UNSW LAT results back (I absolutely bombed it, don't even want to talk about my %ile). I'm unsure of what to do because I don't think that my ATAR would be high enough to...
  3. P

    2024 LAT results

    apparently the LAT is meant to add to the atar not take away from it (some vid i watched from unsw law and justice faculty) so im honestly just praying that my atar's high enough for them to accept me
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    2024 LAT results

    i literally do legal studies and its my best subject, so embarrassing on my part like i don't get how i did THAT BAD 💀 honestly still in denial rn
  5. P

    2024 LAT results

    i did so bad like idek how since i thouhgt i was actually good at essay writing, anyone what atar is good enough for them to not care 💀😭
  6. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    so true, i really thought it was gonna be discretion for crime + non-compliance/reform for the options, i kinda expected the federal gov essay tho for WO since they did an essay alone on courts earlier + UN last year
  7. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    idk if you did the cssa paper but how did you end up approaching the topic 2 Q in section 4? i did it as a mock trial so i don't even have the answers and i ended up picking micro. trade + financial flows are basically inextricably linked to external stability right? so would it have been...
  8. P

    3U 2024 Predictions

    Any Qs that we predict are gonna pop up and where in the paper??
  9. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    Yeah like a Q focused on causes, effects + policies regarding topic 3 issues but I haven't actually done topic 3 focused essay skeletons yet
  10. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    Do you not think they'll be a topic 3 essay focused on just an issue like they did w inflation in 22? Mainly bc I literally don't have any topic 3 essay skeletons yet 💀
  11. P

    can i self learn year 12 eco?

    Honestly from someone with a teacher who doesn't teach effectively despite him having a lot of knowledge (past HSC marker), it's possible to self-learn all you really need are essays + notes but you NEED to make sure you keep up to date with them bc I made the mistake of not staying consistent...
  12. P

    Do we think Case Study again in 24?

    Title ^ I honestly don't have my info from my case study... might just remember statistics but want to hear others' opinions :)
  13. P

    Trade agreements question

    usually they'll integrate the topic 4 policies with economic objectives (basically the issues), but the HSC can specify just 1 issue (without integrating policies) and i they could continue that trend w 2024. 2023 was environmental sustainability alone, 22 was inflation alone ad 19 was...
  14. P

    Trade agreements question

    would "in depth" mean they can be used as units of evidence as part of a body paragraph or would you write a whole body on each?
  15. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    nope my teacher doesn't teach anything 😭 literally sent him an email on Sunday abt microeconomics and he still hasn't responded
  16. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    do you mean like causes + effects of external stability as an economic issue- could it just be the same as the CA type of essays in topic 2?
  17. P

    Economics Essay Predictions??

    Was wondering if anyone had predictions that they genuinely think will be in this year's HSC, particularly for topic 3 (do we think that they'll specify just 1 issue - not objective - like they did with inflation a few years back?) Thanks :)
  18. P

    Economics Essay Skeletons

    I need to know, has everyone alr finished all of their essay skeletons for eco?? I don't have exams week 2 but I think I'm so cooked, I only have my ones from trials which are fiscal, monetary, micro, BOP, exch rates and I need to do like 10 more. Is anyone else in the same boat?? 💀
  19. P

    Need help with economics essay plans

    Do you think its necessary to mention both the US-China and Aus-China trade wars? My essay is already super long, Aus is discontinuing its WTO complaint and China removed its wine tariffs.