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  1. L

    2014 HSC English Paper 1

    Could you please post the questions?
  2. L

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    I like that one a lot. Never seen it before. Do you mean just for tonight heroic? We should keep this going till trials. Good to just discuss hard Qs.
  3. L

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    Haha that's okay. Point about partial pressures is a good one. Okay I'll try to find a new question but I'm not near a book so if anyone else is, go for it.
  4. L

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    Interesting about gay lussacs. Thanks. For (1) what are the other reasons? Does one have to be spontaneous and the other not? Or one exo and the other endo? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  5. L

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    1) if the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, then the reaction is said to be in equilibrium. 2) B/G: • argon is an inert gas, it does not react with other chemicals. • Le chateliers principle states that when a closed system in equilibrium is disturbed, the equilibrium will...
  6. L

    2013ers: What topics are you doing for the HSC?

    I'm doing these ones: - Germany (which I'm really enjoying right now) - Ho Chi Minh - Indochina I agree with LoveHateSchool, this forum needs reviving! Considering many of us are doing Germany, I think we should do things like some essay-plan marathons and maybe sharing some resources if...
  7. L

    Anybody doing both Maths and English Extension 2?

    yeah i'm doing ext 2 maths and ext 2 english
  8. L


    If you have a mac, Grapher is better
  9. L

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Lachlan 4U Maths 4U English Chemistry Modern History ATAR: 99.70
  10. L

    Is matrix good?

    To give you an idea of how much Matrix costs (its quite hard to find it on their website) - its $1080 for 27 hours. That 27 hours has two forms: 9 days of 3 hours each in the holidays or 3 hours one day a week for 9 weeks within the term. So its $40 per hour. Which is a lot. However, two...
  11. L

    Complex Numbers Question, Please Help

    Find alpha where alpha is a real number. I made it a single fraction, realized the denominator, found Re and Im parts, then equated them to solve for alpha - but the solution always contained an i. The correct answer is alpha = -5. Please help
  12. L

    Co-op Study Groups?

    Yeah I thought it sounded pretty sick too. And carrotsticks, I guess they do it in order to group people with like abilities. I don't see why numbers 7 to 12 couldn't also form a group. It sounds like all the positives of group study (sharing knowledge etc.) without the negatives...
  13. L

    Co-op Study Groups?

    So I was talking to a uni student today and he told me that, rather getting tutored or attending a coaching college like Prior or Matrix, he got involved in this 'cooperative study group'. Basically, students applied by giving in their report cards and also doing a quick test. Then, the top 6...
  14. L

    4U Decision: Please provide any advice you can give

    Thanks D94 thats some interesting information in that table
  15. L

    4U Decision: Please provide any advice you can give

    thanks theind1996 and kayven. i think id best keep drama - im doing a category of major work that not too many people do. and so hopefully i'll get into onstage. i'll also be doing 4U english. Has anybody heard of (or experienced) any cases of 4U Maths NOT working out or maybe being not...
  16. L

    4U Decision: Please provide any advice you can give

    Thanks madharris. Very interesting suggestion. 14 Units could get a bit intense, though. Although its definitely an option. And, yeah, I would have fun. :) I'm just trying to force myself into a good pattern of study. Does anybody have any other suggestions?
  17. L

    4U Decision: Please provide any advice you can give

    Hey Guys, I appreciate that guides for this thing are already up. But I am in quite a unique position. And yes this applies directly to 4U. I am in Year 11. My current units are as follows: 2U Drama (I can rank 1 or 2) 2U English (rank 1) 1U English Ext...
  18. L

    Trigonometry Question from Cambridge Y11

    Hey Guys, Can anybody help me out with this - its bloody annoying. Unless I'm missing something? (But I'm pretty sure I'm not.) $prove$ \frac{1+cosec^2 Atan^2 C}{1+cosec^2 Btan^2 C} = \frac{1+cot^2 Asin^2 C}{1 + cot^2 B sin^2 C} Thanks heaps (by the way its Cambridge Year 11/4F/16L)
  19. L

    Help! Trig Questions from 'Understanding Maths'

    Also how do you actually embed the working out in LATEX instead of a picture?
  20. L

    Help! Trig Questions from 'Understanding Maths'

    Thanks so much. Yeah missing out on the 1st question was stupid. But that 2nd question was really smart. Got to remember to reduce everything to tan if all else fails. What school do you go to?