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  1. spiny norman

    Left wing media and its affect on the upcoming election.

    Do you not watch the news? There's been a shitload of coverage of fiscal policy over the past three years. It's not all been critical, it's not all been positive, if you wanted the main media to call it "ridiculous" outright then you were always going to be disappointed. Again, no media...
  2. spiny norman

    Left wing media and its affect on the upcoming election.

    I always knew that Murdoch was a massive socialist.
  3. spiny norman

    Julia Gillard new Prime Minister

    There are, but internet censorship's not one of them. Yes, I generally oppose it, but "the biggest civil rights issues of our generation"? Fuck off. It's basically putting the same censorship levels on the internet as on all other forms of media in the country. Compare this to, yes, the...
  4. spiny norman

    Australian Politics

    What on earth do you think Laurie Ferguson represents in the party? I think you'll find on issues of racial integration he's actually one of the most progressive MPs out there, having built strong links with several migrant communities in his area. This whole paragraph comes off as someone who's...
  5. spiny norman

    Australian Politics

    Lentern, Rudd FROZE processing on asylum seekers from two specific racial backgrounds. To try to claim that he (or Beazley, who supported the War in Afghanistan and privately supported Iraq, along with Rudd) was somehow some great champion of muliculturalism and above political pointscoring at...
  6. spiny norman

    Where do you sit on the Political Compass?

    Not really. It means that individuals should be free to act as they please on a social level, but on an economic level some people in society need government assistance to have anything close to an equal go, and that we shouldn't just have a society where the rich continue to get hideously...
  7. spiny norman

    Julia Gillard new Prime Minister

    Oh bullshit. Does this mean no sitting PM or Premier is ever allowed to retire or whatever midway through a term? I hope people weren't this whiney in 1991, 1971, 1966 etc. Especially given she'll be Prime Minister of all of about two fucking months before the election's called. I've been...
  8. spiny norman

    Julia Gillard new Prime Minister

    Apparently Smith backed Gillard. Has your head exploded yet?
  9. spiny norman

    Labor Leadership Challenge

    How terrible, it's not like the Labor Party is the political wing of the trade unions or anything.
  10. spiny norman

    Health debate 23 march

    For free health care for all people? Sounds pretty good to me.
  11. spiny norman

    what did everyone think of oweek?

    God, it's not rocket science.
  12. spiny norman

    Coalition's climate change policy

    You lied. Terrible strategy.
  13. spiny norman

    If I enjoy works by Bryce Courtenay, who else's work might I like?

    Hm, probably another author who's equally shit. In all honesty, read someone good, like Joan Didion. The Year of Magical Thinking is pretty much what April Fools Day should've been.
  14. spiny norman

    Which Western Taboos do you agree with?

    God, some of you people make me feel like a prude. That said, there are others who make me feel like a total wild child. 1. Prostitution 2. Adultery 3. Illegal drugs 4. Incest 5. Bestiality 6. Pornography 7. Child Pornography 8. Eating dogs 9. Eating horses 10. Homosexuality 11...
  15. spiny norman

    Australian Politics

    Costello would've been in a far better position to unite the party than any of those who've followed Howard. He would've been seen as Howard's heir, and would have been far more untouchable than Nelson or Turnbull (or Abbott or Hockey will be). Costello's decision to not take on the leadership...
  16. spiny norman

    women in politics

    ...Let's not get carried away.
  17. spiny norman

    Where do you stand?

    Re: BOS political compass scatterplot I be: Economic Left/Right: -9.12 Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.44 This makes me the socialist winner!
  18. spiny norman

    My Sister's Keeper

    Nah, she's right. For some real amazing books of modern times (and books that actually do push the boundaries), check out the works of Cormac McCarthy or Don DeLillo or Philip Roth. Picoult is trite, no better than Twilight for adults. That said, the movie actually looks kinda okay. Nick...
  19. spiny norman

    Australian Politics

    I always read your responses, they just all kind of meld into one big "Blah blah Latham sucks blah blah so does Hewson blah blah bet you like Bronwyn Bishop/Laurie Ferguson blah blah bet you buy into that 'Howard was a conviction politician thing' blah blah Nelson was unfortunate". Surprise...
  20. spiny norman

    Australian Politics

    As Opposition Leader 1967-1972, even Gerard Henderson acknowledges that Whitlam was brilliant. The 1969 election saw him bring Labor back from having been thrashed in 1966 to just off winning, and the 1972 election still lives on in Australian folklore as no other election does. Whitlam was an...