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  1. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    20/20 Othello Essay

    I’m uploading this resource hoping it‘ll help give me some good karma/luck for 2025/ the hsc :,,O This is an essay I wrote during an exam that I surprisingly got 20/20 for—> the question is: “ Serious literature does not exist to make life easy but to complicate it” Evaluate how the composer of...
  2. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Look I understand where you’re coming from but just bc selective schools r technically “public” doesn’t mean they‘re similar to your average public school. While there a few naturally bright individuals with no tutoring, I’d argue that more than 95% of ppl who got into selective only did so bc...
  3. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    legal studies year 11 into year 12

    AHH thank u! This is rlly helpful 💗 good luck with ur hsc!
  4. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    legal studies year 11 into year 12

    Hey do u have any study tips for y12 legal. I seriously bombed my prelims and I’m desperate to make a recover :,)
  5. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Ikr, sometimes I’m stunned how ppl literally don’t know this 😭😭😭
  6. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Ngl as someone who went to an average public and then moved to a selective- your average selective definitely has more privilege than your average public even tho both r technically public. Lots of ppl who go to selective aren’t “ naturally gifted” but rather can afford lots of tutoring that...
  7. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    It was at UNSW law 🤡 crazyyy
  8. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Oml socio economic status entries r the worst. I know someone who got early entry bc they lived in a poor area but their parents owned multiple properties and they went to like one of most expensive private schools in state. Literally dragging my eyes rn just talking about it 😭😭
  9. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Yours already passed right? 😭 Did you at least finish? Like how many words? We can’t talk about the contents but I’m sure u did fine 🤧
  10. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    You should do fine :) I heard all you need is like a minimum of 60%. Like the average in prev years was 70%
  11. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Which extract did you find the hardest???
  12. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    Are they supposed to be at different times?
  13. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    That’s so strange… why r the times different 😵‍💫😵‍💫
  14. Ilikedrivingbymycarandthe

    Last minute LAT study

    ‘hey do you have the Lat at 3:15 tmr? I feel like I’m going crazy bc it’s in the afternoon