I graduate mid-year 2011, does anyone know of graduate programs that exist in the area of management/hr/business/commerce that accept people mid-year into their graduate programs (or possibly have 2 intakes). I'm struggling a tad to work out if there will be many opportunities for me after I...
Just wondering, is it possible to complete a bachelors degree at one uni, and complete honours at another? I've looked at entry requirements by unis for honours years and most of them say that it requires a bachelors degree...
Any help would be great!
stupid thread. Nobody here can honestly tell you the answer. If you don't want to put the work in, don't even bother going to uni. If you are... then do whichever course you want to do.
Re: which uni is best?
You know G8 unis are recognised as such for their academic research right...?
Anyone who wants to maximise their chances and options would be doing thems a disservice by choosing a university for the sake of its reputation (or in the case of G8 Unis, for the sake of...
Re: which uni is best?
You shouldn't care about your uni. I guarantee now that if you have good grades and/or match the job profile that you are apply for and are interviewed for, your employer won't give a sh** about where you studied.
Its merely a myth by people who go to certain unis and...
Don't quote me on this, but i recall looking into bond uni and paying full fee (because they are not a gov uni so no HECS) it can cost up to 200,000 for a degree...
That is the worst advice I have ever heard...
to the OP: If you want to study business, arts or some other degree that is openly available at most unis, by all means go to a G8 if thats what you want... but you want to study criminology.
I love how people think G8 unis are the way to go no...
I moved to brissy for uni for semester 1 this year... and I've visited all three unis (qut gardens point, uq st lucia and griffith nathan).
Do NOT listen to anything that people say about the prestige of these unis and the courses. Each of them have their strengths and weaknesses...
Just wondering, what does a service associate do at big w. Because there is a job ad for one, I know checkouts do the checkouts, recovery clean the store/department pretty much, nightfill does nights... what does service associate do?
Woolworths Transfer Help
Does anyone know if its possible to transfer into a different role in your store (i.e. a checkout operator to transfer to nightfill or vica versa)?
You can keep arguing about engineering having a bigger workload, but you aren't talking to an 08er its just a mates account i was bored so i browsed. Firstly i graduated from an engineering/science double degree about 5 years ago or so and then undertook a graduate law degree and am now doing my...
Engineering is the worst aye? it'd be up there but i still reckon law is the worst. i dunno about medicine and the work required in that, but law students (maybe not 1st yrs) have alot more work to do then engineering
In the January offer round you have been offered:
419222 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws - full-time - Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus
Start Month: February 2009
:party: :party: :party:
Hey yeah i got that "minimum entry requirement fulfilled" msg too! Less than a week to go now! I'm going for law and i got 0.65 above what i needed, so i swear it better not move up at all!
There is a mistake on mine :pain: so now i have to go back to school to get it changed. It's only one rank that they got it wrong by but i'd rather have the right rank if it means an extra mark
so in other words, i'm getting the ranks that i have already received on my report? sorta pointless isn't it - or are there some people who haven't received them at all yet?
Does anyone know how much notice you have to give if you want to transfer between coles stores. I'm looking at transferring between NSW and QLD and starting work in february 2009, so I'm wondering when i should be officially doing it?