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  1. nicole21290

    cafs irp---smoking and drinking

    Age: 18 Gender: ÿ Male ÿ Female 1. Which suburb do you live in? Dapto, Wollongong 2. What are the main types of nationalities living in your area? ÿ Australian ÿ Greek ÿ Italian ÿ Lebanese ÿ Asian ÿ Croatian ÿ Other (please specify) 3. Do you still attend school? ÿ Yes ÿ No 4. What type of...
  2. nicole21290

    What are you currently Reading?

    Barchester Towers - Trollope
  3. nicole21290

    Fav Shakespeare poem/play/sonnet/quote?

    Especially when Alan Rickman is reading it! As far as plays go, Hamlet is definately my favourite.
  4. nicole21290

    What are you currently Reading?

    This past week I have obviously been doing lots and lots of school work!!! Northangar Abbey - Jane Austen The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde 3 Jeeves & Wooster books - PG Wodehouse North & South - Elizabeth Gaskell Howard's End - EM Forster For Whom The Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway Sonnets -...
  5. nicole21290

    Who Wants To Do A Survey!?

    1. Do you know that a subculture called indie exists?(type the letter of ur choice) a. YES b. what? c. i know them but i never knew they're called indie 2. Do you listen to bands/music classified as indie? a.YES, i do b. No, top 40 music for me c. mixed variety !! d. not sure 3. How much do...
  6. nicole21290


    Re: First Preferences? I want to do a Bach. of Education (Primary) at UoW and hopefully will be able to! *crosses fingers... and toes...*
  7. nicole21290

    Trials Results

    Most subjects were okay. English and Maths not so fantastic... English: 76% (3/9) Maths: 75% (3/8) Ancient History: 86% (2/5) Modern History: 90% (1/3) Biology: 87% (2/5) Religion: 96% (1/2)
  8. nicole21290

    too late?

    Oh no. I'm pretty sure I'm just as behind as that. I have 2 full subjects to do study notes for and another 4 that I have about 1/2 my notes to do. Then I might be able to start actually looking at the notes/answering questions before the exams. Holidays, here I come! :)
  9. nicole21290

    irp survey

    Q1. I believe that God: Exists and intervenes in daily events Exists but does not intervene in daily events is a spiritual ideal, not an actual being Does not exist Q2. I think prayer is: 1. Heard by God or angels, and for all people God or angels responds 2. Heard but no answer should be...
  10. nicole21290

    dead poets society!!!

    Um. Maybe have a look at conformity, education, realism vs romanticism, choice. The two bolded are especially important. If you need info about them feel free to PM me.
  11. nicole21290

    Personal identity

    Possibly, but you might want to let us know a bit more about the question than that? It depends on all sorts of things that we have no idea about. I would love to help, but can't with that to go off.
  12. nicole21290

    Please Help Me =[

    You've read it, right? If you really don't understand it maybe you could have a look at Sparknotes - it will give you a basis overview of the chapters, characters, themes etc and explain the context and some important quotes. Go to Sorry if you've...
  13. nicole21290

    study notes =D

    Yuck. I don't really have much a chance to do my study notes yet; I've just been too busy with assessments and will be until the holidays. Even then I still have several assessments left so I have no idea when I can get it all done. I only got 4 of my 6 subjects made into notes for 1/2 yearlies...
  14. nicole21290

    Who Is Over School?

    Alrighty. Here's a nice little response to your nice little (or big) comments: Have a lovely evening and please don't kill me - I promise to be on best behaviour for, oh, I dunno, the next 5 minutes.
  15. nicole21290

    What are you currently Reading?

    Hitler's Henchmen - by someone who's name escapes me at this present moment
  16. nicole21290

    HSC - Seminars/ Lectures (merged)

    Re: HSC - Seminars/ Lectures I'm going to an Ancient one on Monday (at SydUni). Our teacher booked for us and the school's paying so I'm happy. I probably won't be when I'm trying not to yawn half way through the day.
  17. nicole21290

    how many assesments do you have before trials???

    I have an Modern History & Maths assessment due the week after next. Next term I have English, Modern and Bio. Then exams, yay! :(
  18. nicole21290

    HSC making you sick?

    My eyesight is good. I never ever had a headache before Year 11 though and now I get them most weeks. I've had this one for 3 days now but it's probably not helped by the fact that last night I didn't sleep (but I did work) and the couple of nights before I only got 3-4 hours sleep. It's not...
  19. nicole21290

    Compulsory English

    Meh - it's just another subject. It does frustrate me sometimes but I reckon it's worth paying some attention if it means I can get to uni and do the course I want! And just for a nice little cliche to tie things off: no pain, no gain! Oh, and it helps that I like reading and writing... (I...
  20. nicole21290

    How was your school day?

    I complain about most things so I figure I got to let some aspects of my life get off scot free! It's okay - I don't mind being at school that much; I can always find something to do.