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  1. Iceyscreen

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    Thanks, could you explain what a Victorian pathway is, I haven’t heard of it😅 Most of the assured pathways I was checking out are 3-4 years (4 years Notre Dame I believe), do you know if anywhere offers 2 year courses with assured pathways? I’m pretty torn about what to do and trying to decide...
  2. Iceyscreen

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    Yeah thank you that’s helpful, I got an ATAR in the early 90s this year so I don’t qualify for any of the undergrad courses I applied for sadly so looking to pathways now- I am also considering Biomedicine in Bond uni as a pathway (also two years) which I’m weighing against MQ. Either way GAMSAT...
  3. Iceyscreen

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    Hey I’m also considering this course to eventually get into med but have read some pretty negative stuff online about it which has kinda spooked me, I think the main problem people have with it was the fact it’s accelerated so the content feels kinda rushed and stretches over the holidays. I...
  4. Iceyscreen

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    UAC estimate of 92… I mean it’s good but not enough for the courses I wanted- urhg still holding out for a miracle
  5. Iceyscreen

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Cool cool sounds good- so between marks and ATAR release we’ll all just be stressing out with ATAR calculators XD
  6. Iceyscreen

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    For tomorrow marks drop at 6am and ATAR at 9am right? Stupid question but which websites do we need to see each one?
  7. Iceyscreen

    2023er atar betting

    SadCeliac I believe in you:fish:
  8. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    And did u guys have to do some maths to find the amount taken away for the final question (think I got 0.1something
  9. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Oh also was NH4Cl a Brønsted-Lowry acid
  10. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    WHOOP WHOOP LAST EXAM DONE, I found it pretty nice, had a good mix of hard and easy questions. I ran out of time for the 9 marker a bit tho but can’t bring myself to care since I’m to freaking happy it’s over with🥳 WELL DONE GUYS CHEM FINISHED
  11. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Ah okay thanks👍
  12. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Could anyone help me with this- answer was A but I keep getting an answer of 4- srry if this is an easy question my brain is melting. Thanks
  13. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    What examples have people remembered for condensation polymers and contrasting fuels from organic sources? I struggle with the long winded questions where you need to write out processes
  14. Iceyscreen

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    What's everyone's chem study plan for the next couple of days- I pretty much left all the ion tests and polymer stuff to do the day before since I cant remember them for the life of me
  15. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    Bro you really got my hopes up :cry: Read through 10pages of yall fighting about geep and snails and no solutions? Despicable. (Also I vote we don't nuke the snails and spray herbicides :3)
  16. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    Fr I feel bad for the markers reading word vomit
  17. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    How many extra pages did everyone use lol
  18. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    I had S would never get the disease, but U would when they get to around 40
  19. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    I got glutamine but was pretty torn for that one- the thing that sod it was when it said the mRNA was the same as the DNA or something. Seemed like they were waffling to try confussel us
  20. Iceyscreen

    Biology Predictions/Thoughts

    Absolute boss of a paper, I’m so fricking happyyyyyuuuthisbdhfjss THANKS NESA WHOOP WHOOP