I haven't been feeling well either :|
Though usually I am a laid back person. After every exam it has felt like my head was about to explode.
Today was my first 3 hour exam and I felt like I was going to collapse towards the end or something.
So that kinda adds to the stress but further...
Used to when I was younger I guess.
Not so much an issue now that I'm 18, I'm an adult and they have to accept that.
Its only really an issue when I stay at his house for the night so I just lie in that case.
Interesting.. I seem to be better at the Delian League and Athenian Imperialism.
I just can't remember all the battles and stuff for the Persian wars, urgh.
Yeah I wish I could have used my left hand as well heh...
I guess it was the whole writing non-stop thing, because modules really ask for a lot in a short amount of time, which really sucks.
But yay, no more English!
Well I ran out of time :(
And I didn't think the essays were easy, they were hard compared to previous years in my opinion.
Plus they seemed to focus on just one aspect of what I was prepared to write about. Lame >.<
He should have known to at least write something down.
I'm not even sure if I understood the question but I still managed to write a good 7-8 pages for that section.
And there's always the other english paper, and the other exams.
I'd reccommend that you still refer to more than one episode.
You could still look at that particular episode in-depth while just giving one or two examples from other episodes.