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  1. itguy

    Eas help! Super urgent!!!

    No, not even open yet. It appears on the UAC site when the EAS or disadvantaged forms are ready. Normally the forms are due end september. Check out my careers site at careeradvicensw.com there is a page on EAS and disadvantage and links to UAC.
  2. itguy

    ATAR Bonus Points

    There are many ways to get bonus points. There are points for achieving bands 6=3points,5=2points,4=1point. There are regional bonus points if for example you live inner west,west and far west. There are points for disadvantage such as personal illness, family issues, distance education, ESL...
  3. itguy

    does assessment mark really matter or just rank?

    Your final results are used to calculate your ATAR which is a ranking of all NSW students from top to less than top. If you get around 70 as a final mark in all your subjects your ATAR will be less than 60. On the other hand if your final marks average 80 you can expect an ATAR of 80+ which gets...
  4. itguy

    ATAR Estimate Please :)

    The ATAR is worked out from your final moderated HSC results which are 50% school based assessment and 50% HSC exam. You would need to know how moderation normally effects your school results ie up or down then you would have an idea of final results. The online ATAR estimators are accurate but...
  5. itguy

    ATAR cut off's from previous years

    most career advisers should have old copies of the uac guide in their office. Was there a particular course you wanted to know about? Keep in mind the ATAR is a reflection of supply and demand for courses.We have seen more places being made available so would expect ATAR to go down for some...
  6. itguy

    Question Regarding Dropping Out

    What was your last year completed? Year 10 ,11? Did you get the preliminary cert? If so, you can use this to get into foundation programs like SIBT,Insearch. Whatever year you left you can enrol in a TAFE certificate for 2013 and go from there. A TAFE Diploma will get you into uni without the...
  7. itguy

    Career Advice NSW

    I have a free career advice site at careeradvicensw.com I'll answer questions ASAP. I'm aware there are many students around the state who don't have access to quality career advice. I have 10 years careers advice experience and I look forward to your questions about studying in NSW.
  8. itguy

    All you want to know about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS).

    I just wanted to update this post. The EAS scheme covers many types of disadvantage such as doing a language by distance education. Each disadvantage has a code which needs to go on the application page. The EAS can be administered by anyone in the school but often is the careers adviser. UAC...