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  1. F

    Assessment concern hsc

    just rote learn it if you want the marks
  2. F


    Well, for trials it is safe to do so :)
  3. F

    worked solutions

    You don't use textbooks to get ready for exams; you do past papers. So stop worrying about textbooks.
  4. F

    I have 4U worked solutions (Arnold) anyone want to trade for 3U worked solutions?

    Solutions to the 4U Cambridge by Arnold and Arnold https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4D3wNobxSuvVmpsY0tES251dlk&usp=sharing
  5. F

    Band 6 cut-off?

    Anyone know the band 5 cut off?
  6. F

    General thoughts

    Hoping to make into band 5 :)
  7. F

    which subject would be better?

  8. F

    Band 5 Cut off for Biology

  9. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    for the raindrop question, i THINK i wrote 0.62 seconds LOL, forgot to times the 10^2 in calculator, so would i lose a mark ? :( i mean i did write the "exact value" ..
  10. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    wasn't that induction from a 4unit paper in the 1980s or 1990s
  11. F

    Q14 Solutions

    well i didnt differentiate wrong.. (pretty sure i didnt)
  12. F

    Q14 Solutions

    thx sexy
  13. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    holy fucking shit? or holy fucking easy pretty intense paper tho ( under exam conditions)
  14. F

    Q14 Solutions

    GUYS i manipulated the equation into te^t - 1 = 0, and i let f(t) equals that Then applied newton's method, i got ~ 0.570... IS THAT WRONG?!? I wrote 0.57... = ~ 0.56 !!!!
  15. F

    Curve sketching

    So I drew my curves in pencil... will it still be marked?
  16. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    how do you even know if u made a silly ..?
  17. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    how do you even resolve the forces wtf?
  18. F

    Bali schoolies

    I'm not but have fun ! get some alki, pop a pill ;)
  19. F

    New "Cambridge" 4U "book" used by Grammar and NSGH

    When is new curriculum phased in? Where can i find a copy of the syllabus ?