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Search results

  1. N

    bad internal ranks, good hsc results?

    Does the course you want to get in actually require 99 ATAR or selection rank? I got into a 99+ selection rank course with an ATAR of 92.60, because my uni is very generous with additional points for achieving band 5 and 6 as well as location points.
  2. N

    USYD vs UTS Exercise and Sport Science

    Not sure if your ATAR is high enough to get into the UTS corse that has a guaranteed entry into Master of Physiotherapy (the undergraduate course has Exercise Therapy in the name). I understand that you are not interested in any other uni, but FYI - ACU's Bachelor of Physiotherapy is very well...
  3. N

    early entry?

    Also try ACU early entry.
  4. N

    UOW early admission

    What Did you answer the 4 questions?
  5. N

    speech pathology at macquarie?

    I can't help with Macquarie, but just letting you know tha Bachelor of Speech Pathology at ACU (North Sydney) would be a faster and cheaper way to become a speech pathologist. They are even doing early entry for year 12 students (ACU Guarantee).
  6. N

    UOW early admission

    Depends on the degree/course. If they are not capped, quite lenient.
  7. N

    Should I do Actuarial studies?

    @quickoats What other interests are you exploring ATM?
  8. N

    BPsych (hons) at MQ or USYD?

    UNSW is the best in Sydney for psych. I hope you are aware that you will have too complete additional 2 year master to be eligible for registration as a psychologist.
  9. N

    Some questions about EAS?

    Some unis will give you extra points for EAS and some won't (most do though). Also how many points varies from uni to uni (I believe it can be up to 10 for some). UAC will send you a list of unis that will accept your disadvantages and EAS.
  10. N

    Looking for a volunteering opportunity? We're accepting new applications!

    Also some universities in NSW (probably other states as well) offer early entry based on community volunteering involvement e.g. Macquarie Leaders and Achievers & ACU Community Achiever Program. However, written references will be required.
  11. N

    Early entry question

    Absolutely worth it! I got 5 early entry offers (3 different unis) and although they weren't for my dream course, they did make me feel less anxious and pressured in those last few months of HSC.
  12. N

    early entry? how?

    UOW, Macquarie, UWS and ACU are quite generous with early offers, but it does depend on the degree.
  13. N

    UAC Educational access scheme for mental health condition?

    My advice would be to contact UAC directly through FB messenger. They will answer your questions. The hours per week for rehabilitation/treatment can also include home program as long as your health professional provides a letter stating that.
  14. N

    Working and studying

    Thanks everyone! It looks like up to 10 hours would be ideal.
  15. N

    Working and studying

    Still considering different options hence the question...
  16. N

    Working and studying

    Thanks! I still don't know much about GPA/WAM...is yours average or above average?
  17. N

    Working and studying

    Hahaha I meant for a casual job!?
  18. N

    Working and studying

    How many hours per week would be reasonable to work if I am studying full time a fairly demanding degree (3 days at uni plus some online lectures)?
  19. N


    Hahaha, yes I am definitely doing physio. Enrolled 👍👍👍 Asking this for a friend.