• Best of luck to the class of 2024 for their HSC exams. You got this!
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  1. NotSuss

    25 Scholarships valued at $48,000 each @ UNSW Mining Engineering. Find out more

    Do you have to attend the dinner to apply? If not where can i apply Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. NotSuss

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    What's the best thing about fucking a 12 year old girl? Turning her around and pretending she's an 8 year old boy
  3. NotSuss

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    5 dollar sucky sucky
  4. NotSuss

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    i floss with my pubes
  5. NotSuss

    i eat my own pubes because it tickles my butthole when i shit

    i eat my own pubes because it tickles my butthole when i shit
  6. NotSuss

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    i came for the boiz as well...
  7. NotSuss

    MCQ question - help

    ^he finished his hsc 2 years ago with a 99.90 atar..he dont need your help
  8. NotSuss

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Fuck me in da butthole
  9. NotSuss

    would you let someone borrow your book?

    NO, never ever will i lend a book. I have nightmares thinking about all them ripped pages, creases, bends *shudders* I only let my brother and my mum read my books BUT they are not allowed to leave the house and i fully give them a lecture on how to hold the book so that it doesn't get creases...