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Search results

  1. yooook

    2020-HSC chat

    no i wanna kms
  2. yooook

    2020-HSC chat

    shut up, u didn't have covid so shush
  3. yooook

    What's your favourite sport?

    but ur femalr
  4. yooook

    What's your favourite sport?

    i wanna kiss u
  5. yooook

    I miss you guys

    who r u cunt
  6. yooook

    Good schools in Western Suburbs

    whos sahil goyal? who are you pm me, this is urgent!
  7. yooook

    Someone Estimate My ATAR !

  8. yooook

    Thoughts on IPT

    no, just some sql stuff but that is ex to learn even for me and is not rlly coding at all
  9. yooook

    Atar estimate !!!!

  10. yooook

    whats the go

    its not tyler the creator it's Not mcDonaLd's
  11. yooook

    whats the go

  12. yooook

    Usyd commerce or mq applied finance/economics

    thanks guys :) i am leaning to go to Macquarie
  13. yooook

    Usyd commerce or mq applied finance/economics

    not to sure on majors, wanna go into consulting, investment banking, hedge fund etc etc
  14. yooook

    Usyd commerce or mq applied finance/economics

    very close to mq, 1 hour 30min from usyd
  15. yooook

    Does God exist?

    but god also sent the other prophets to teach good and bad
  16. yooook

    Does God exist?

    people don't join religion with the freedom and perspective of an adult mind, but with the forced, indoctrinating pressure from their parents or churches or schools at a young age. And from then on, they're trapped in the mire of "God will solve your problems, WORSHIP THE SKY FAIRY"
  17. yooook

    Does God exist?

    also think about it culturally and geographically too, if Christianity was fully adopted throughout the middle east and Islam were spread to western countries such as the UK, USA, AUS etc. You would most likely be Muslim. Just something to think about. 🤖
  18. yooook

    Does God exist?

    What I don't understand about religion is the vast majority of people just believe what they're told from birth and they follow the religions of their parents. if u were born in Hinduism you would be a Hindu. so how can only Christianity be right, I have talked with other Christians and they...
  19. yooook

    Does God exist?

    I reckon when the bible was written gay ppl started to emerge and were seen as outcasts in all cultures and society. hence leading to it being put into the bible and being opposed to it being inputted into the religion. henceforth Christianity believing against gayism etc