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  1. dunno04

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    Lol SAM is so right SAM: 94.45 UAI: 94.45 OMG...the same!!! =D
  2. dunno04

    Post your 2006 HSC results here!

    chem: 86 eng ESL: 85 physics: 86 Sdd: 81 maths (2U): 94 Maths (3U): 46/50 UAI: 94.45 I'm Pretty HAppy =D
  3. dunno04

    how is sdd ?

    itz mostly independent work Teacher can not teach SDD all you need is to learn is yourself =D
  4. dunno04

    End of HSC Chemistry-glad or sad?

    yeah... mixed feelings i guess... But mostly glad
  5. dunno04

    Hsc Harder This Year

    Not that chem is ur only subject... Or is it?
  6. dunno04

    Hard Or Easy?

    well... i guess But the fact i got 7 days to study, and finish 12 past year catholic and independent paper...i feel confident, where most question are similar haha =D
  7. dunno04

    How did you find the difficulty?

    easy That's it ANd i've finished it!
  8. dunno04

    Hsc Harder This Year

    Re: Hsc Easier This Year harder? I dun feel that i reckon the catholic and independent paper is hard
  9. dunno04

    End of HSC Chemistry-glad or sad?

    y sad... Life goes on! Be happy man. Now we have finished HSC!!
  10. dunno04

    How Early Did You Finish

    I have 30min extra!! yay!
  11. dunno04

    EDTA question.

    The solution is too concentrated therefore it is not that accurate
  12. dunno04

    Mc Q14: Aas

    It C Remove the second value from the average. Because the difference is too much Therefore itz C
  13. dunno04

    Hard Or Easy?

    Lol Easy! Finish HSC yay
  14. dunno04

    Chemistry - general thoughts on the exam

    It is easy. I got 30min to check Thank god!! Now..NO more test!!
  15. dunno04

    Is Chemistry your last exam? (merged)

    Lol.. it feels Great to finish!!! xD
  16. dunno04

    Who is sick of not getting enough lines to write on?

    well... mayb. But sometimes we just want to write more..so that we can cover all the point that is needed for the question
  17. dunno04

    Is IPT your last exam?

    When is IPT? LASt day?
  18. dunno04

    Is Chemistry your last exam? (merged)

    I do. ANd it suck.. lol
  19. dunno04

    2006 HSC Mathematics Solutions

    Lol.. Graet!
  20. dunno04

    End Of Mathematics!

    lol WEll if u really love maths..then u shud do it haha =D