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  1. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    Oh yeah apparently it's cuz it seems that not enough students would pick it but eh... is the NSW school of languages an after school thing you go to or an online schooling?
  2. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    Okay I've changed the description at the start.. wooo
  3. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    Ok LOL thanks
  4. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    Wait now I'm confused??
  5. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    Wait so like I do Jap elective this year and somehow my teacher decided to tell me that there might not be a continuers course in 11&12. Honestly it's kinda a waste of time if I don't even do it for hsc. Please tell me she's wrong
  6. zenli

    2027 HSC Chat

    For the nerds Also for those who need help in subjects, daily life, etc. Doesn't always have to be related to hsc :]
  7. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Typical selective life 😭😭
  8. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Real, idk tho I doubt I'd get in after that
  9. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Nah like what the heck was that prompt
  10. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Bro idk why but I think when one of the prefects were walking past, they were reading some of people's writing crap 💀💀
  11. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Yes lol but I probably flunked the writing so lmao
  12. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Girra lmao and waiting for another exam soon
  13. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I mean both Girra and Penrith both create a new class for year 10 (let's just say 20 new people + around 3 current students who leave) so the number for Girra was 138 apparently so 23/138*100=16.666667 or top 17% (unless I did the math wrong) and Penrith is 23/100*10=23% or top 23%
  14. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I mean really I wasn't there to do the exam at Penrith and apparently there were 100 so unless they all (Girra+Penrith) put the schools in something like 1. Penrith 2. Girra 3. ??? Then I guess yeah 138+100=238. But it's really unable to be guessed how many people did that or something else...
  15. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I mean the stats would be great to see if you have a good chance but just know that not everyone tried for both Girra and Penrith like you did so there can be the possibility it needs to be higher than 60. I know it's a bit late but aiming for probably at least 40 would be good
  16. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Oh yeah Girra sometimes does that (cannot be too hopeful if you want to try next year, it usually happens if they feel like it)
  17. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Oh wow, was this year 10 entry??
  18. zenli

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I mean if they did really really good then why not