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  1. F

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    ive been hearing 6 will come a lot
  2. F

    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    what we think a band 6 will be
  3. F

    trial papers or hsc papers

    imo na theyre meant to be harder then hsc but if u can do it easily then hsc shld be a breeze but i think selective n past hsc papers r better
  4. F

    math ext 1 predictions

    bro where i couldnt find it
  5. F

    math ext 1 predictions

    what do u all think nesa will put in this years hsc
  6. F

    vector proofs

    how do i imporve on doing vector proofs its the main section i lose a majority of my marks so what do u guys think, how should i improve on it
  7. F

    trial papers or hsc papers

    okay okay ive been doing a few selective papers and cssa and neap papers but ill focus more on selective thanks bro
  8. F

    trial papers or hsc papers

    ik hsc in less then a week away but is it worth doing more trial papers or hsc papers even tho the old syllabus is changed ive done lots of both but just want to see which i should be doing more of
  9. F

    mod 8 chem

    really what do you think would be the main things to memorise for mod 8 then
  10. F

    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    @jimmysmith560 is true? alot of my tutors say im low to mid 80s but online and some of my friends say its possible. And i heard your really accurate
  11. F

    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    ohh yea, hooray would i need to bring like physics and chem up by a lot to secure it
  12. F

    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    is that a no
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    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    so is 90 not acheivable
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    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    english gets 1-2 3u gets 2-5 (but they were full classes of like 30 ppl) 4u gets 1-3 (a couple more ppl) chem gets no one in the past 2 years, but 2021 got 3 physics no one since 2021 (3 for 2021)
  15. F

    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    these are my overall bands including trials for internals
  16. F

    is a 90+ atar still attainable

    these are my subjects with ranks and bands. my school is also 200+ subjects/rank/band 4u math/2nd out of 3/E3 3u math/3rd out of 7/high E4 chem / 6 out of 15/ high band 4 phys / 6 out of 16/ band 3 eng std/ 5 out of 116/ band 6 is it still attainable, ik my marks are pre bad and so is my school...
  17. F


    im not sure how to start properly revising for physics i already know module 5 100%, but idk what to do to properly revise the other 3 remaining mods, i know things here and there but its not solid. I know i don't have much time left, physics is my weakest and im pretty confident with the...
  18. F

    resolving forces

    how do i resolve forces like how would i do i)
  19. F

    mod 8 chem

    is this worth memorising
  20. F

    ion identification

    how do i answer like ion identification questions do i just reporduce an already memorised flowchart for cation and anion identifications or like is there a different way also is this flowchart worth memorising ive seen others that had more steps but this seems easiest to memorise