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  1. F

    Scared of stuffin up HSC!

    [/B] Yeah i think everyone in year 12 have that feeling.
  2. F

    What do you wear to Uni?

    LMAO, what the fuck are these threads about what to bring/type of bag and now clothes? you people are sad losers.
  3. F

    Whats the best uni overall?

    Please stop your ignorance.
  4. F

    Whats the best uni overall?

    My statement was very ambigious ahaha, this kid is so stupid. My statement couldn't be any clearer and easily interpreted you imbecile. :haha:
  5. F

    Whats the best uni overall?

    Sarcasm does work if you know anything about university of western sydney and much of the students that attend there. :burn:(you).
  6. F

    Whats the best uni overall?

    Yeah i mean't University of Western Sydney and i said it has the ''most'' educated and civilised students. And if you and the others didn't realise the sarcasm, then clearly you should attend there.
  7. F

    My teacher is a haughty, imcompotent, unrealiable egotist. What can my class do?

    I understand she's incompetent because that's why you're lacking in spelling.
  8. F

    Whats the best uni overall?

    Western university in my opinion, defintely have the most educated and civilised students.
  9. F

    can i get my atar?

    More or less.
  10. F

    So if it isn't leb youths stabbing school children, then who do we blame?

    Dirty angry lebo. You do realise that every other ethnic group are against you?
  11. F

    Radical Islam reaches the near north: Malaysia canes three women over sex

    OH SHIT, i didn't know muslim existed in malaysia...shit seriously, no kidding, in all honesty, THEY ARE TAKING OVR THE WORLD. Shit im so scared man, i hope i die before they do takeover.
  12. F

    What Australian TV programs should get the axe?

    get rid of fucking neighbours and home away.
  13. F

    Youz aussiez are razist against us Lebos

    Typical, ignorant, uncultred, uncivilised lebonese trash. How on earth did he know about this forum? Surely where he's from, the internet wouldn't exist. Btw asshole, half the students on this forum are probably only first or second generation Australian which clearly suggest our hatred to um...
  14. F

    Have you ever seen a ghost?

    Include get a life in the poll.
  15. F

    Business and Commerce Help

    Don't do commecre/business, do something like teaching because we need them more.
  16. F

    Choose between Chemistry, Physics and Economics.

    Go to prelim's bloody 3weeks into prelim and nothing counts whatsoever so stop flooding here, when year 12 needs it most.
  17. F

    Economics Essay!

    Anything is good out of a textbook.