thin hair, nails are ugly, fat fat thighs and legs and arms
big knees and hands and feet
i have a pretty ok face, in general. but like ive started to not like my teeth there's a small weird imperfection. do not want
i used to live off 1760 Kjs a day
but then i stopped being fucked up
now i eat more than than, and am almost as skinny
but yeah if you want to lose weight, eat less. exercise won't save your fat ass
i dont care about that shit.
i do care when he starts smoking ice and takes 15 pills in a night :S but thats only because i worry
but i feel like a massive killjoy when i tell him not to
i like yr style grrrl
had a tofu sushi roll at 5pm that i haggled down to $1 from $2.50 fuck i'm good
and a mandarin just then
my housemate's making me beetroot salad for dinner :confused: pretty excited though