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  1. uhawww

    Semester 2 classes

    Haha I was going to do it so I didn't have to buy a new text book, but they've cut the subject. I wonder why :o
  2. uhawww

    Semester 2 classes

    Japanese Communication 1B - JAPN1001 Korean Communication 1B - KORE1001 Macroeconomics 1 - ECON1102 Social Perspectives in Education - EDST1104 (:() Except there's a really stupid clash I can't seem to get around yet so I might have to quit Korean...
  3. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Fuckin' ace. Too bad I won't have time to play until the weekend :(
  4. uhawww


    Probably has a specific club he often goes to. Or just bad english.
  5. uhawww

    Geography 2007!

    Sydney? The city is perfect.
  6. uhawww

    Does anyone have a PlayStation Three?

    He means the game boxes.
  7. uhawww

    High Incidence of Cancer in Morven Brown?

    I hear if you just LOOK at the building, you will get AIDs.
  8. uhawww

    Essential DS games

  9. uhawww

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I lol'd the other day when they were shouting across the main walk way. 1>> Hay xxxx what are you doing tonight? 2>> going to med revue! 1>> wut? 2>> GOING TO MED REVUE 1>> wuts med revue?! It was so cheezy.
  10. uhawww

    Sleep and Uni

    I thought that was all natural.
  11. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    As soon as I take down your Palkia I disconnect, G fucking G.
  12. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    What in the fuck.
  13. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    Just as an fyi, I still only have 3 real pokeman :o
  14. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    jumb wanna foit.
  15. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    Game seems fairly lame at making the stats even. It's more a game of just who has the better power move anyway.
  16. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    Seems it was my fault, no idea wtf happened, my game just froze (assuming it's a rom error, hasn't happened with people I've battled before though...).
  17. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    What The Fuck. Fucking Nooooooo My Fucking Ds Froze Lol.
  18. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    Game on, moles.
  19. uhawww

    The Pokémon Center

    What time did you guys make those posts. I want in on battles. EDIT: seems to have been 30mins ago. I want in yo.
  20. uhawww

    Japanese Universities

    Wow your careers advisor doesn't really seem to be doing her job... He studied Japanese for two years, starting at beginners level at uni. The main reason he is going is to further his Japanese. Two years at uni is roughly the same as completing Japanese extension for the HSC.