Search results

  1. uhawww

    Course Choice

    If you'd enjoy them both equally, I'd say do med sci at UNSW. Probably more of a convenience to be at UNSW also.
  2. uhawww

    Primary or Secondary?

    Main reason I'm choosing secondary is because in my opinion the job would be a lot more fun being able to get along with students to a certain level and also not having to look at the same kids for a whole year. If you don't like a class in secondary school at least you only have them for...
  3. uhawww

    Has there been a typo in my results?

    What's wrong with pink avatars?
  4. uhawww

    Has there been a typo in my results?

    I think it's kind of obvious he didn't care based on his other results alone...
  5. uhawww

    How has your perception of your UAI changed this morning?

    Definitely more relaxed now that my results indicate it's more than possible I'll get what I need. Still nervous, but at least I know I haven't completely bombed out.
  6. uhawww

    Who is staying up all night

    Starting to really panic now.. fuck lol.
  7. uhawww

    Who is staying up all night

    The goodness of youtube.
  8. uhawww

    Hsc Results Out 2moro

    Of course.. so close now. 1 hour 15.
  9. uhawww

    Hsc Results Out 2moro

    3 hours 45 :o
  10. uhawww

    Hsc Results Out 2moro

    In like 12 hours we'll finally know......... FUCK
  11. uhawww

    Hsc Results Out 2moro

    If you don't hear from me again after that it's cause I went shit.
  12. uhawww

    Predicted Server Crash?

    The servers won't crash, there will just be major slow downs. I'm pretty sure after the last few years they'd know how to deal with the load.
  13. uhawww

    Possibly Find out Raw Marks

    People have forced them out of board of studies before, I think with the Australian Freedom of Information Act. I don't know if it's still possible though or if they've sealed off any chance. Personally, I couldn't care less what my raw marks are anyway after I get my UAI.
  14. uhawww

    What are your plans for results days?

    For the results definitely going the all nighter, no way I'll be able to sleep. For the UAI I'll sleep, if I can, and then just wake up whenever I do.
  15. uhawww

    Less then a week...

    I won't be getting up for my results.. I'm going to pull an all-nighter because I won't be able to sleep regardless. Not that I've been going to bed before 4am lately anyway...
  16. uhawww

    Less then a week...

    I don't think there is anything else I have thought about for the past week.. four days holy shit. I'm freaking out so bad.. in four days that's it, the whole experience is over. Sooo scared...
  17. uhawww


    Thank you very much for the replies all of you, I think I will definitely do the double degree now. Now I just need to think about what second subject I will teach, hmmm.
  18. uhawww


    This might sound like a bit of a stupid question or I might be asking something obvious which I'm sure I'll learn about later on, but I'm having trouble with what I should make my preferences. I'm still not completely sure of how the system works. Also sorry in advance if this isn't the right...
  19. uhawww

    where can i buy used PS2 consoles?

    Hmm I'd say give it another month or two before E-Bay has them for cheaper, most people will probably sell them around then when they realise they don't have $1000 for a PS3. EDIT: Other than Ebay I can only think of EBgames, they might not be so cheap there though, but check it out (they...