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  1. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Huh? A lot of DS games get leaked farking early. FF3 was released like a week before it should have been and the Japanese Diamond/Pearl by at least a few days.
  2. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Going to get pearl again. Sounds cooler imo. Like a pearl necklace.
  3. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Yeah, I'm camping rom sites as we speak.
  4. uhawww

    Grand Theft Auto IV.

    Isn't it counter strike.
  5. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    The sound isn't that bad through the little mic already on the DS, for the record. EDIT: I'd smash the chick in that vid.
  6. uhawww


    Way to read :( Wasn't it announced for Wii like ages ago though? Or was that just the word on the street.
  7. uhawww

    Does your teaching degree make you do a compulsory Aboriginal studies course?

    That is for all students? Then we should do European and Asian studies too. Perhaps they should create a "cultural" education subject that covers all the cultures that make the majority. I don't really think teachers are to blame for the large number of Aboriginals not making it through school...
  8. uhawww

    Which is harder, Accounting or Microeconomics?

    I quite like this post. But such a massive debate when he was just looking for another excuse to bitch about how hard his degree is. He seems to have formed a small habbit with this. Apparently he looks cool/hardcore if he is doing a really hard degree he can't handle and isn't enjoying (and...
  9. uhawww

    [Request] Notes

    I strongly agree with this. The questions you have there seem to be from the year 11 syllabus anyway? They also slightly overlap with some of the year 12 syllabus, but I think I remember these specific questions from year 11 (or damn, is it actually what you're doing now in year 10 :confused:)...
  10. uhawww

    [Request] Notes

    What's the point if you are just asking for the notes.
  11. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Prepare for a leak of the new Pokemon. Media are starting to get their hands on copies, so it won't be long now (I hope).
  12. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Yeah it tends to lag when online sometimes, depends who you are connected to and where though. Sometimes it lags really bad, other times it can't be more perfect.
  13. uhawww

    Grand Theft Auto IV.

    Purely out of laziness, source? (not that I don't believe it or anything, just want the pure link to link a few people). EDIT: Found it
  14. uhawww


    If I remember correctly, Stray was xxxposed a while ago ;p I can only say don't do the whole "testing the friendship" thing, it never works out how you plan it.
  15. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    That'll be fine.
  16. uhawww

    Jay Chou

    More like, he fucked Jolin the lucky prick.
  17. uhawww

    uh guys...

    You could get close to that with less than 1/3 of what you listed :\
  18. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Ouendan 2 May 17
  19. uhawww

    Essential DS games

    Yeah, I thought they would have made a port of 3 first though.. I guess they will release 4 in english once 3 has been released for DS.