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  1. D

    Safety @ Redfern

    A goon connoisseur objects to your reference to a "box" of goon. The correct term is "sack".
  2. D

    Share your 2009 HSC results here

    2 Economics 87/100 92/100 90 6 2 English (Advanced) 98/100 96/100 97 6 1 English Extension 1 48/50 50/50 49 E4 2 Mathematics Extension 1 99/100 98/100 99 E4 2 Mathematics Extension 2 94/100 93/100 94 3 E4 2 Physics 93/100 91/100 92 6 99.80. Okay I guess.
  3. D

    SMH article on how shit is HSC English

    I can see where you're coming from, but I think that English would fall flat if it didn't have the techniques component. Wouldn't it just be an "identify" course? Identify these themes, identify links to context. Basically anyone in the state can do that, and, bar fluency and contextual depth, I...