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  1. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    The problem was he left his laptop nearby his friend, who should have been watching. The dude who nicked it just stepped up smoothly and removed the laptop without anyone raising their heads.
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    What you hate about UNSW

    "There is no failure except in no longer trying." Elbert Hubbard
  3. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    now would be a good time to start, but I usually try to get all outstanding assignments out of the way first. I can't stand the thought of outstanding assignments while studying...
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Latest Media Releases - NSW Police Force Hopefully it was the dude who nicked my friends laptop
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    is possible to cram the entire syllabus for all your subjects in 3 weeks?

    if you did ok/well in your past tests assignments then you shouldn't have to worry too much. Start now and you should be able to pass.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Crime on campus is srs business. I just heard someone outside the cse labs screaming someone just stole his car.
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    What you hate about UNSW

    elearning still has potential. Its just that good implementations are very hard to come by.
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    The myUNSW hate thread.

    I'm getting it too. Wait till this evening. Theres no maintenance being performed today afaik
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    The myUNSW hate thread.

    yea it means the clowns running myunsw are busy trying to do this Alternatively, we have a Bastard Operator From Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    For UNSW you get to pick your own timetable, subject to whether classes are not full and there are as few clashes as possible. In Usyd they build your timetable for you, and you can request for it to be changed (although my friends have told me it ends up benig more shit than in the first place)...
  11. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Its going to turn into week 11 and lecturer still hasn't released assignment 4 for the semester. I don't want to be doing an assignment in the middle of cram session.
  12. D

    Excluded from MATH1131

    this is going to sound painfully obvious, but have you spoken to the school of maths? Theres a lady called Neffy who runs the first year office on level 3 of the red centre, and is in during the morning and early afternoon every weekday. Your best bet of getting a solid answer would be from her.
  13. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    rep shall be owed when the system permits again :)
  14. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    can someone repost the unsw vs Usyd communism piccys. Can't find them ><
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    The myUNSW hate thread.

    waiting until 1am paid off. Finally enrolled in my new pure CS courses.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    I was a double agent all this time
  17. D

    general UNSW chit-chat

    sounds like typical cofa to me :p
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    new centrelink reforms

    who represents tertiary students in parliament again?
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    CS students: what are your electives?

    thats the mysterious black hole that me and my friends haven't sorted out yet. It doesn't hurt to take on a 6UOC course have completed the minimum UOC required to graduate