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  1. M

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    hey got 98.3 and am stoooooooked like nothing else! friend of mine got 100 and am sosososososoososososososooso proud of her!!
  2. M


    what did u guys think about it?? in particular, did anybody write about how he became king of persia??? cause i only wrote about macedon... thoughts? anyone?
  3. M

    HSC Trials - some pointers, and a big GOOD LUCK!

    awww thanks guys!!! the pointers are actually helpful! (speaking of stress, they've set up a punching bag in our common room! lol... that's a good way to de stress!)
  4. M

    Regarding would-be history teachers...

    how much extra curricular stuff did you do?
  5. M

    judge away

    alright, let's put it into a little bit of perspective all you year 12 kids out there, go to your nearest kindergarten... pick out one of the kids... 12 years later you two will be going for it. honestly, that's a little bit too twisted for my liking...
  6. M

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    a mon avis, il n'y a beacoup de travail pour le francais. En fait, on n'etudie que la vocabulaire avant d'avoir une controle... mais, c'est tout. bien sur on peut pratiquer, mais enfin, il n'est pas necessaire qu'on fasse beacoup
  7. M

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    moi, j'ai de la chance parce-que j'ai l'occasion de parler avec mon pere. aussi, je trouve que c'est tres bien de parler avec tes amis dans ta classe.. et salut tout le monde! je suis nouvelle ici :D